Sansa Clip+ Firmware Update 01.02.17

I’ve just bought a new Sansa Clip+ which has come with the new version of 01.02.17 Firmware. I Rockboxed it with latest available version on this forum (01.02.16). Rockbox wasn’t for me and I uninstalled it. As the result my current version is 01.02.16 and I am just wondering how I can upgrade it again (Sansa auto-update does not have any update for 01.02.16).


my mp3 player, player music but the volume is very low, the music list does not show on my pc.

it says that all music, podcast, record files are all empty.

what can i do


There is no 01.02.17 firmware available. The update is 01.02.18

Pat, I assume you have copies of all the music on your player also on your pc. If so, format the player(settings, system settings, format) to delete the files on the player. Next set the USB mode to MSC(settings,system settings, USB mode) if you don’t have protected files, or to MTP if you do use protected files. Reconnect the player, and copy your songs to the player again.

@jk98 wrote:

There is no 01.02.17 firmware available. The update is 01.02.18


This happened before (not necessarily on this particular model) where new players started coming out with a slightly updated firmware version that was not posted anyway for download. So Sandisk released basically the same firmware update but with a different number to differeniate the two.

I’m assuming the recent, relatively minor firmware update named 01.02.18 is virtually the same as what has been comng out on the latest production run of players, 01.02.17.

I’ll bet this kind of stuff confuses & frustrates the bejesus out of the developers over at Rockbox though.

For now anyway, I’d recommend using the 01.02.16 f/w version for any Rockbox installation. Hopefully theyr’e caught up on this one. :laughing:

This seems strange. This is the first I have heard of the 01.02.17 firmware. Most people thought that Sandisk stopped making the Clip+ more than a year ago when the Clip Zip came out, however the appearance of players packaged with this new firmware seems to imply that the Clip+ was still being made relatively recently, and might even still be made now?

@miikerman wrote:

The Clip+ has been continually sold the past year, by such major retailers as Amazon.

That doesn’t mean anything…could have all been NOS. 

The original Clip was being sold for well over a year after the Clip+ came out. We didn’t see clip players suddenly appearing with a new firmware installed on them a year after the Clip+ came out.

One other strange thing. Someone who owned a 4GB Clip+ bought two years ago recently bought a 2GB Clip+, and claimed that the new player is made with thinner plastic than his old one. I haven’t seen any other posts claiming that. If it is true, I wonder if it is true just for the 2GB model, or for the newer 4GB and 8GB ones as well?