I do not know if my problem is related to this new version, but Lync 2013 from Microsoft Office 365 now crashes on startup. The only thing I changed is updated this version. Lync was picky about Bluetooth drivers in the past on my laptop, but this desktop doesn’t have Bluetooth.
Yea installing the new version…revo uninstalling the previous for clean install, hopefully it fixes my previous issues but i’m sure all the constant flushling has reduced the lifespan of my device in half at the very least, i estimate 100gb flushed a day at the least …and ssd’s, let alone cheaper ones can’t stand that kind of writes.
The frustrating part about it is that I bought this product because I had a OCZ Synapse caching drive with Dataplex software. I bought/installed ReadyCache because I thought it would be a better and more supported product. Since Dataplex got bought by Samsung and hasn’t supported their software in 2 years. Honestly, the problems I was having with the Synape are starting to feel less annoying. The reason you buy a caching ssd is so apps open faster, but more importantly so your PC boots fast. Sandisk needs to fix this boot slowdown issue quickly. It’s much more than a 10 second delay. Sandisk watch my video!
Also, just for reference this is the exact same problem that I had with 1.3.1.
Did this happen to your system with release 1.3.1 as well? Also, can you please clear the caache and then reboot and let us know if it still has this delay?
It been working better than 1.3.1 for me so far. No slow boots, and no cache flushes yet. Both issues I had before the update. It’s been holding steady right around 22 gb after filling up. If I have issues, I’ll be sure to post.
The issues I seem to see start after the cache fills to >26GB. If the cache is less than that it seems to work as intended. Does anyone else see the same thing?
Install version 1.3.2
Exclude Drive D: For Windows Media Center Recording. Exclude Drive E: For Saving Video Files After editing.
Both Drive I using them Daily.
Test to see if Its exclude a Usb Device. Back up (copy and paste) Steam games folder (about 28GB) from
C: to external device. Eject device is fine. But One Problem My total cache size jump from 7GB to 29GB
then drops down to 26GB.
Reboot computer to see if it hangs on star up. Yes it freeze a few seconds then continue to boot.
For a week of running and monitor ExpreessCache, my cache size about 14GB then it go up to 24GB, 26GB then
about 2 days it goes back to 14GB.
When the cache size about 20 GB the system freeze a few seconds during star up.