The issue of the app opening on the Desktop (when selecting start with Windows) at each boot up is still not fixed. It should be in the system tray at boot up but not also opening on the desktop (requiring you to physically close it each time). This issue first appeared in 1.3.0. Imagine if every app you have in the system tray also opened on the Desktop at each boot. Would be a hassle each time to have to close them all. Don’t know why Sandisk opted for this behavior.
The issue of the app opening on the Desktop (when selecting start with Windows) at each boot up is still not fixed. It should be in the system tray at boot up but not also opening on the desktop (requiring you to physically close it each time). This issue first appeared in 1.3.0. Imagine if every app you have in the system tray also opened on the Desktop at each boot. Would be a hassle each time to have to close them all. Don’t know why Sandisk opted for this behavior.
This is not a bug. This is the design. Start with Windows is only for the GUI. The caching engine runs in the background regardless. The GUI is not required for the caching engine to operate. The issue here is that in order for the GUI to generate the performance monitor chart it must accesses at the driver level. This type of access will pop UAC every time it is opened even if it is in the system trey.
Well if this is not a bug it’s just not a good design. Previous versions of this software did not exhibit this behavior. In previouis versions the icon would appear in the system tray (where it belongs) at each boot up (if selecting to start with Windows). Now it has the added behavior of also popping up on the Desktop at each boot (and has to be manually removed from desktop).
Here are a couple of examples of why this is a nuisance. Lets say you have icons in your system tray at each boot up, Antivirus icon, Sound settings icon and maybe even a mouse software icon if you have mouse software installed. Now at each bootup your Antivirus Software, Sound Settings Software and mouse settings software all decide to open on your desktop in addition to the icons in the system tray. Wouldn’t you say that was a nuisance having to close them off the Desktop each time to booted up?
The way that I see it is for the GUI to remain minimized in the System Tray upon boot.
Enabling/disabling the GUI upon boot should be a option in the EC GUI software.
If the GUI is not selected to start with windows, it should open via a Start Menu Shortcut, then close normally or you could have a option ro minimize the GUI to the System Tray, as well.
I think you choose the checkbox to start the gui with windows during install, i believe you can just disable it from loading in the options, as said before, its just a display, the caching runs regardless.
I have found it’s not a good idea to not have it start with Windows. I got tired of seeing it pop up on the desktop so changed it not to start with Windows. So booted up next day and assumed all was working. Later during the day I missed not seeing it in my system tray so opened the program. Turned out it was not even working as I got a message saying no SSD was detected. I then clicked to start with Windows again and rebooted. This time the software opened on Desktop again and got another message saying cache had been reset all over again. This software still has bugs.
After 1.3.1 a new BUG appears; all my USB HDDs, Flash Cards, USB Sticks get errors at mount time on Windows 8.1.
I’ve already uninstalled the ExpressCache 1.3.1 software and the issue dissapear; after several restart, my system works fine, so I said: let go to install ExpressCache 1.3.1; bad choice, the issue with all my USB drives appears again. I’ve uninstalled ExpressCache again and my issue was fixed.
In the other hand I don’t know why this product insist on perform, I don’t know what task, but all drives reports access from the ExpressCache software all time.
By now, I’ve uninstalled this software, my system is slow but stable!
Sorry Sandisk, many times I have advocated your product with other users, but at this time it’s impossible. Please FIX the issues soon, I can’t understand why I should to buy some product “unusable” due to software errors
New version 1.3.1 crashed my computer the day I installed it.
There seems to be some issue with coming out of standby/sleep as well.
It is unusable at this point. I had to uninstall ExpressCache.
Version 1.3.0 of ExpressCache worked better than this.
Other users, Please reply to this post if you have the installer for version 1.3.0.
Message to SANDISK : Cache SSD has great potential. But only if you folks can work out the problems with TERRIBLE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. May be you should approach some other developer. Condusiv guys keep coming up with new problems. They are not experts.
Also, caching method needs to be more intelligent so that its not caching the same things many times over - inducing cache resets frequently. If Condusiv guys say they can’t come up with better solutions then its time to move on and let them go. May be this project with caching tech is way over their heads. No offense.
Also, SANDISK might think ReadyCache might reduce their SSD sales. But these are not competing products.
Competing (and seemingly functioning) product would be Hybrid drives. They work and they are made by a different company.
I dumped the condusive crapware, formatted the readycache drive and copied my HD windows partition to the readycache SSD. My existing H/D is now used for caching and storing data. This method enables troublefree use with a noticeable performance gain as well as being able to access flashdrives and external USB H/D’s properly.
As far as the software is concerned, it is NOT fit for purpose I do not appreciate being forcibly treated like a beta tester for something I did not subscribe to. I have more pressing things to do with my PC.
As for everyone else, good luck, and enjoy the beta testing
Just booted up today and software did not load with Windows 7 again (have it set to load with Windows). Had to manually open it. Software continues to be buggy. Issues I’ve dealt with.
When set to open with Windows, it continues to also open on Desktop in addition to appearing in the system tray. IT SHOULD NOT OPEN ON DESKTOP when set to load with Windows (it should only appear in the system tray)…
Sometime when setting it to NOT open with Windows the caching part does not activate. When opening software it gives a message saying no SSD can be found. Have to reboot with setting to open with Windows and this time boots up with software saying cache had to be reset back to the beginning.
Sometimes when Booting (setting to load with Windows), the software does not come up, have to open it manually.
Get Windows Explorer errors sometimes when closing folder windows, especially when turning off computer.
Sandisk and Condusiv need to get it together on this product.