I recently bought an Express (1GB with radio UK version). Straight away I ran through the firmware upgrade to 01.01.05 and it wouldn’t see the 4GB SanDisk card I bought at the same time. Unfortunately I didn’t try the card before upgrading, so don’t know if there was a hardware problem. Amazon have kindly sent me another Express and I have avoided the firmware upgrade. The 4GB card seems to be working fine, though I have only loaded a couple of albums on it so far. Everything seems to be working fine on the replacement SE.
My question is should I upgrade to 01.01.05?
- Can anybody tell me what improvements (new features or fixes) this will bring?
- Are there any down sides to 01.01.05?
I’ve read various people’s problems with MicroSD cards after upgrades, but I couldn’t find an specific mention of 01.01.05. My main worry is might the 4GB card stop working? Any advice gratefully received.