I’ve added a video to the Fuze which was originally a youtube downloaded to FLV.
Then I ran it though a FLV to AVI converter, and then through the SMC.
The SMC converted and transferred it without any problems at all.
Short 30-50 second clips work fine. These shorter clips also came from youtube
and through the double conversion. I can skip through the first two mintues, then
it freezes. Playback lasts intermittant lengths of times, all shorter than a minute or so.
While frozen, none of the buttons respond, but holding the power down for 10 seconds
turns the Fuze off. The shorter power button press does not work.
If I leave the screen frozen for quite a while, atleast a minute, a dialog comes up on
screen which says “Unsupported Media Format Please visit www.sandisk.com/support/sansa”
And it dissappears. It returns me back to the video list, and appears frozen again. The bottom
status bar, which would normally scroll what is playing, is stuck saying…
“Now Playing: Unknown” instead of the actual filename it locked up on. The soft power off does
work now, and upon rebooting the Fuze, I’m back at the home screen. The other videos play
now also, just the ones which lockup. One in particular is 49 minutes long, and it always locks
up in different spots. Sometimes it will skip 2-4 times before freezing until the message appears.
Upon powering on the next time, it always says “Refreshing your media” , just like after adding
more music, pictures, or videos.
The firmware is V01.01.11A