Two big audiobook issues with Clip+: rewind and Audible format support

I just got a 4GB Clip+ from BB.  I like the new design; however, I ran into two significant Clip+ issues compared to my 8GB Clip.

In audiobook use, the rewind will NOT rewind past the beginning of the track into the previous track.  This is a major issue when your books are split into multiple tracks.  I often rewind to re-listen to a passage.  If that passage is at the end of a track and I am now listening to the next track, I typically hold down rewind to go to the beginning and then to the end of the previous track.  With the Clip+, this is not possible.  I have to select the previous track and then hold down fast forward to get to the end of the track.  This means I have to look at the display.  I cannot easily do this during my commute in a car.  This is a deal breaker.

The Clip+ only seems to support format 4 and enhanced format from Audible.  The Clip supports more formats.

Please fix these issues.

I was really happy about the new clip being released, with folder browsing and µSD support it would easily be the best player on the market, except for that tinsy little problem that it doesn’t rewind linear as described above. Unless this is fixed in an update, i will not be buying a clip+.

I listen a lot to audio books and i am kind of absent minded and my mind will drift a lot, sometimes i realize i didn’t listen to the last minute or two, and some times those were at the end of the last track. Now if the tracks are 30 minutes long, on the old clip i can just rewind backwards and hit the end of the last track, but as the clip+ works (and like my old player that i discarded) i would have to skip back and fast forward 28 minutes.

Just upgraded to Clip+ after the rewind button on my Clip quit working.

Very disappointed that the Clip+ doesn’t handle rewind between files like the Clip… why in the world would they change that?

One major step-backwards.

it is so annoying that there is no  continuous rewind to the previous track. I also find it very annoying that there is no variable speed playback with pitch correction. Sometimes speakers speak much too slowly, and not being able to speed this up(and have pitch correction) is so annoying. Apparantly variable speed playback with pitch correction is available on Rockbox, but putting Rockbox on a player voids the warranty. If Rockbox can write the code for variable speed playback with pitch correction that works on a Clip+ or Fuze, I can’t see why Sandisk can’t write it for their firmware.

It seems like mp3 player makers don’t realize that there are a huge number of people who listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or lectures on mp3 players. Having things such as continous rewind to the previous track, variable speed playback with automatic pitch correction, and audio enhancements that make low quality spoken word files more comprehensible are what makes listening to spoken word files pleasurable rather than frustrating. There are many old noisy spoken word recordings. Having to clean them up on a pc first is much too labor intensive. Cleaning up the sound on the player as they are being played makes so much more sense.

@jk98 wrote:

it is so annoying that there is no  continuous rewind to the previous track. I also find it very annoying that there is no variable speed playback with pitch correction. Sometimes speakers speak much too slowly, and not being able to speed this up(and have pitch correction) is so annoying. Apparantly variable speed playback with pitch correction is available on Rockbox, but putting Rockbox on a player voids the warranty. If Rockbox can write the code for variable speed playback with pitch correction that works on a Clip+ or Fuze, I can’t see why Sandisk can’t write it for their firmware.


It seems like mp3 player makers don’t realize that there are a huge number of people who listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or lectures on mp3 players. Having things such as continous rewind to the previous track, variable speed playback with automatic pitch correction, and audio enhancements that make low quality spoken word files more comprehensible are what makes listening to spoken word files pleasurable rather than frustrating. There are many old noisy spoken word recordings. Having to clean them up on a pc first is much too labor intensive. Cleaning up the sound on the player as they are being played makes so much more sense.


Now that’s annoying!

JK98 climbed on his soapbox & spouted yet again:

it is so annoying that there is no  continuous rewind to the previous track. I also find it very annoying that there is no variable speed playback with pitch correction. Sometimes speakers speak much too slowly, and not being able to speed this up(and have pitch correction) is so annoying. Apparantly variable speed playback with pitch correction is available on Rockbox, but putting Rockbox on a player voids the warranty. If Rockbox can write the code for variable speed playback with pitch correction that works on a Clip+ or Fuze, I can’t see why Sandisk can’t write it for their firmware.




Now that’s annoying!

@tapeworm wrote:

JK98 climbed on his soapbox & spouted yet again:

it is so annoying that there is no  continuous rewind to the previous track. I also find it very annoying that there is no variable speed playback with pitch correction. Sometimes speakers speak much too slowly, and not being able to speed this up(and have pitch correction) is so annoying. Apparantly variable speed playback with pitch correction is available on Rockbox, but putting Rockbox on a player voids the warranty. If Rockbox can write the code for variable speed playback with pitch correction that works on a Clip+ or Fuze, I can’t see why Sandisk can’t write it for their firmware.




Now that’s annoying!


I am glad to read that others are having the same problem. 

In rewind mode  it treats each book part as it it were a separate song and jumps to  the beginning of each file, then you have to fast forward  to the find the part you missed.

The tech support does not even know that this is a problem.  I was told mine was broken.  I exchanged it for a new one and it does the same thing.  I was a big Sansa Fan,  I owned 2 Sansa Express and 2 Sansa Clips.

SANSA team why would you ignore the growing Audiobook market?  You had a great Audiobook player with the CLIP.

PLEASE FIX THIS BUG or don’t market it as a CLIP PLUS  this is a MINUS.  (Also, it is not as well designed as the CLIP)


It’s obvious that the people at Sansa is either ignoring the problem or are ignoring this forum.  Here we are in the middle of February of 2011 and nothing has been done about it.  Because of this I will not purchase another mp3 player from Sansa.  How simple it would be to put out a firmware update to correct this problem if they wanted to.

Ugh, so dissappointing. They should call it the Clip-

Dear SanDisk,

please ask programmers to add rewind back through the tracks feature. It’s unbelivable that this small gem doesn’t have this feature.

It’s very very important feature for those who listen audio books!!!


Please people who miss this feature too reply here to let this thread on top of the list.

Going to Audible Format 4 (64 kb/sec) was part of the change to the new DRM scheme for Audible. Audiobooks are now transferrable between your three authorized devices via a simple swap of the microSD card.

I like Format 4’s clarity, but hearing so much detail does have its downside with narration.  If the reader suffers from a gurgling stomach, or there’s ambient sounds in the studio, you’ll hear it.  The files are twice the size of the moe compact Format 3 audio I enjoy on the earlier devices.

The reverse scheme was changed a while back. I prefer the old scheme as you do, as it’s great to be able to scan back into the previous chapter’s end.  It worked this way for music files as well.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps a stupid question? Would it be possible to install Clip firmware on a Clip+? I also find it very annoying not being able to rewind to the end of the previous track.

I also find it difficult to skip one track. You have to press the button for a second or so and suddenly you have skipped two or three tracks.

@kereno wrote:

Perhaps a stupid question? Would it be possible to install Clip firmware on a Clip+?

Not a stupid question at all. But in a word? No.

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Thank you for clearing that out! I guess I’ll try to find a used clip.


I’m happy to say I just bought a new, not used Clip on a net auction. 176 sek (appr. 27 USD) What a relief :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answers and interest
