
> I have a 4GB Fuze that is about 20 months old and has worked great up until last night.

> For the first time, last night, when I clicked in the USB connecter into the base so it could charge, the computer did not recognize the Fuze on my WinXP computer. My computer also did not recognize the Fuze being plugged in. No new software has been added or replaced in the past week, and I’ve easily charged the Fuze or added & deleted files a few times in the past week.

>The Fuze itself lights up when clicked into the USB connector, says it’s connected and *pretends* to be charging. When I unplug it, the battery is not recharged…actually seems to be lower each time!

> At first, I thought the SanDisk software had been corrupted and needed to be reinstalled. When I startup Sansa Updater, it continually searches for an update, and finally (about an hour later) gives up and crashes. Note that I am using system version 01.02.31A. Not sure if uninstaling & reinstalling the Updater will cause more problems.

> Then, I thought that it might be USB port, so I tested all the other ports I know ARE working…and still…computer could not *see* the Fuze

Any suggestions or ideas?

It could be that the cable has worn out.  There are many bundles (cable, wall charger, car charger) available online for a very low cost.

Don’t even bother with the Sansa Updater anymore.  It’s highly unlikely after more than two years since the fuze’s release that Sandisk will release any more firmware updates.  The Updater isn’t designed to reinstall firmware, only to search for a newer version than what’s on your player.  You’ll have to manually reinstall the firmware.  Look at the top of the fuze board for a sticky thread with the firmware link and instructions on how to install it manually.  It’s quick and easy to do.

Before you try to reinstall the firmware, the battery needs to be at 50% or higher, so I suggest that you try a wall charger first and see if the fuze will charge.

@mags1230 wrote:

It could be that the cable has worn out.  There are many bundles (cable, wall charger, car charger) available online for a very low cost.

Ok. Thanks for your suggestion.

Interesting that for the past 20 months I’ve been *trying* to find a wall or car charger for this device. Now wondering if, for the hassle, I might as well give up on the Fuze and buy and iPod.

@1111111 wrote:


Interesting that for the past 20 months I’ve been *trying* to find a wall or car charger for this device.

They’re easy enough to find. Here’s one in the SanDisk store. Walmart, Target and many other on-line places also sell them.

Try eBay for FUZE for both wall and car chargers. 

Amazon also has different sellers for these items.  Read the Feedback on chargers for each company first.  Some are better than others.

Good luck!

If you can borrow a wall charger with a usb port on it, you may be able to still use the old cable just for charging.   This will help to confirm that it’s the cable and not the player.

 If the fuze is unable to establish good communication with a computer, it’ll stop charging.  IIRC, this is done to protect the battery from being overcharged and possibly causing damage.

Along with Amazon and eBay, cell-phone accessories companies often have chargers and Sansa cords.

By the way, if you think the dopI player is trouble-free…you might want to look on one of its user forums first.

The only person I know with a USB/AC adapter had it with them on a trip, so I took my own trip to Fry’s and got a universal charger w/2 USB ports which I can use it for many other items.

The unit charged successfully, and very well, using it’s EXISTING cable (the one that didn’t work at all on the computer). It’s now 100% charged and holding the charge, so that’s good news.

Now, I’m curious…how can the very cable that suddenly does not allow my Fuze to connect to the computer works perfectly well in recharging said device?

Seems to me, the newbie that I am, if the cable was the problem…it would have prevented the device from recharging.

Is it possible it is a software issue?

There are four connectors in the cable. Two are for charging. Two are for data. Your charging might work and your data might still not work.

Once the unit is charged, go to Settings/System Settings/USB mode and switch to MSC.  That is the easier connection, making your Fuze look like a generic USB thumb drive to your computer.

If you computer still can’t connect to it in MSC, then I would still suspect the cord.