Ok, so I recently bought the Sansa Fuze. When I received it, I decided to subscribe to Rhapsody-to-go. I downloaded my songs from Rhapsody to the Fuze and it seemed that it went well. Yesterday was the first day that I actually tried to listen to it. Unfortunately, I can hear the instruments from the music that I transferred from Rhapsody, but I can barely (if at all) hearing the singer actually singing. I tried messing with the EQ, but it only changed the instruments and background noise–not the singing (which I still can only barely hear).
Any help will be greatly appreciated. If you do help, please do so in language that is meant for someone that is MP3 illiterate. For example, if you are talking about MTP format (or whatever) please tell me what you are talking about–I have no idea what that is (I have seen the term used on this board).
Thanks Again