Hi Krleitch,
Dear member of SanDisk Community, welcome.
Friend, I can not recommend to the competition, from here, you understand me? It would not be correct.
But I say, that the latest version is a good software, and it works great.
Perhaps, for which you are not accustomed to using a software, can seem like a problem, but then also have problems with other softwares, that are on Internet (…and without help desk).
Therefore I prepared an instructive, in function on the questions that I see in the messages of users.
Please, try again in a “clean” pendrive. Thanks.
Remember, that there are two softwares, one for Windows and one for Mac.
SanDiskSecureAccess software is supported by Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Mac OS 10.5 and up.
Use with a Mac requires other software download.
And to SanDiskSecureAccess Software (portable app, free), you must install in the UFD.
The latest version of SanDiskSecureAccessV2 , you can download (free) from here:
1- Download on the UFD_,_ to SanDiskSecureAccessV2_win , (if you have PC).
Beware 1: If you see thus: SanDiskSecureAccessV2_win.exe, go Tools/Folder Options, tab View, and mark: hide file extensions, and also mark the choices: hide files protected, and not show hide files protected of the system.
2- Then, you install the program, password, etc.
And you will have two files:
2.1- SanDiskSecureAccessV2_ win , (the application).
2.2- SanDiskSecureAccess Vault , (which is the folder that contains the encrypted files).
2.3- If you lose or delete to SanDiskSecureAccessV2_win (2.1), there is no problem, as download other, and ready.
2.4- But if you lose or delete, to SanDiskSecureAccess Vault (2.2), you lost all content.
2.5- You can rename to the application (2.1).
2.6- You can not rename to the folder / Vault (2.2).
Because the name, is generated by the application (2.1), and if you change it, the application will not open, and will generate a new Vault.
2.7- You can move to the application (2.1), to any folder.
2.8- You can not move the folder / Vault (2.2).
You the should leave it in the root of the UFD, because is where the application (2.1), the will search.
2.9- To extract the file outside from My Vault, to a folder, select and click right in the file which is inside of My Vault.
In the menu click the left button in to “save file to” and in the new menu choose new folder, and then button “to save”.
2.10- There is an option (in the toolbar My Vault), _ which generates a Backup _ (for SandiskSecureAccess Vault), to your PC.
And this backup, it works also, if is corrupted or erased the Vault , or is lost your pendrive.
Ie, it works also with another pendrive, but with the same password.
Beware 2: Always make, backup content, copy the Vault, clone the UFD, etc., and save everything in “safe place”.
Regards, Alfred. (Google translated)