My Fuze screen got scratched significantly (it seems MUCH less scratch resistant than the so-called liquid metal used in earlier model). Does Sandisk replace this sort of thing under warranty?
That’s not the sort of thing usually covered by warranty, no. But you could try anyway.
And the “liquid metal” was used on the backs of some e200’s, not the screens. It’s an actual metal, so not useful where transparency is needed.
Good Point.
In that case, they need to reconsider the material they ARE using for their screens. My Cowons don’t scratch nearly as easily.
@roj wrote:
Good Point.
In that case, they need to reconsider the material they ARE using for their screens. My Cowons don’t scratch nearly as easily.
This is why everyone recommends screen protectors. I put one on my Fuze the second day I had it. A case for the rest of the player, that’s up to each user’s preference, based on how they use theirs, but the screen protector should be considered mandatory, especially considering how cheaply they can be obtained.
True Dat.
Check archives.
Couple of years ago or last year. some psots about fine abrasives used to reduce or eliminate scratches.
OOOH! Now THAT’S something I was also thinking aobut. That and a replacement I could install myself. Thanks lots.