So how should I use Video4Fuse? (Sorry, posting my question twice, also in teh “Help” topic, but just want to finish this struggle with video conversion…)
I gave up with SMC.
Installed Video4Fuse.
Restarted computer.
Opened the program.
Chose the Input File and Output Folder (*everything the program suggested, but I think I might mistaken here…)
Pressed Convert button.
The funny black scremm appeared (funny for such anti-technical persons like me).
There were lots of strange data, but in the end of the list there were %%, and looked working.
But it stopped on 40%.
I tried severla times with severla files.
What could go wrong? Those lucky ones who liked Video4Fuse - please share your success step by step. Thanks in advance!
This is absurd. I am trying to get this device to work. It does not play dragged and dropped files. It requires pian in the sas software to run. Note the disclaimer with “videos may not run” and the workaround to do one file at a time. Sandisk… last time I buy. Give me a product that works.
Are you talking about video files or photos? Drag and drop assumes you have media that is properly formatted for display on the device.
The most important question is which model Sansa do you have? The Sansa Media Converter is ONLY for video and photos. If you have a Fuze+ , the SMC isn’t even necessary.
Give us a little more information on what you’re trying to do, and we can get you running.
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