where can i download SMC?

i want to convert my videos but i can’t find the sansa media converter. Where can i download it?

You have to install and run the Sansa Firmware Updater in order to get the Media Converter. SanDisk had to do this recently so they could track the downloads and pay the appropriate royalties for the codecs.

Older Version

do i really need to update my firmware before i can get SMC? coz i saw that the latest firmware has some volume prob. can someone just upload the latest version on megaupload.

sansafan123 wrote:
do i really need to update my firmware before i can get SMC? coz i saw that the latest firmware has some volume prob. can someone just upload the latest version on megaupload.

You don’t have to update the firmware, but you do have to use the Updater to get the latest version of SMC. And if you’ll read more, you’ll see it’s not a problem with the volume per say, but a compliance issue with EU laws. It was required.

But . . . if you read yet a little further, you’ll see that there is a solution (or workaround) to have your cake and eat it too (or volume and latest firmware). :smiley:

I just purchased a refurbished 8GB Fuze (open box w/o CD) and can’t transfer any video.  I’ve tried SEVERAL products which claim they convert video formats (AVI, WMV, etc.) to MPEG4 (and other formats) specifically for the Sansa Fuze.  After converting these files, I’m able to see the file(s) in Windows as storage but the Fuze is unable to read them.  I’m running WinXp SP2 and copying the files to “Sansa Fuze 8GB\internal Memory\Video”.  I don’t have the SMC application.  I’ve downloaded the Sansa Updater which is supposed to let me select this as a download/install option.  The Updater recognizes the player, capacity & version.  However, only the manual is available to download…the SMC isn’t listed as an option.

Am I correct is assuming SMC is needed to copy video files to the player?  If so, how/where can I get it?  I’ve searched SanDisk’s website and the only option I’ve found is to use the Updater, which doesn’t work.  I have registered the product.

I don’t know what you’ve used, but the favorite choices here are


or Rhapsody, but then you have to install the whole giant Rhapsody player (though you don’t have to subscribe).

Whatchamacallit up above has a link to SMC. But video4Fuze is better.

You have to have the unit connected to get it through Updater. But if you want to go that route, get SMC and then uninstall Updater.

There won’t be any more updates, and there’s no point in having it load on startup and phone home when you connect the Fuze.

Thanks for the advice!  Video4Fuze ROCKS!  Works like a champ.