Hi every one,
I’m not fond of new posts but I tried different searches and couldn’t find any satisfying result…
Recently, I have been trying to put new music files in my Sansa (mp3 format) as I often do. There are already a good load of songs but enough space remaining. The probleme is that the files get into the device without any problem but, when I unplug it, after the data base update, the music files wouldn’t appear in any of the music categories (artists, albums, songs, etc.)
I checked the tags so that they all have ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1. Still, after a new attempt, same result : the files are on the device memory but not recognized as music files.
I tried to erase some previous files and put them back : same. Any new music file (.mp3 or .wav) seems to be not recognized as an audio file by Sansa.
Can anyone enlight me, please? since this is very frustrating…
The firmware is 01.02.15J (bought it in Japan)
Sansa e280 v1.
That’s some old firmware. You might try updating it.
I’ve noticed that when you change the tags in a file, but leave the filename the same, the Sansa doesn’t pick up the changes. Try deleting the files, then unplug and let the database refresh. Reconnect and copy the files with the correct tags to the sansa and disconnect/refresh again.
Okay, guys, the solution was way much simpler.
I don’t like to format disks (always scared to lose important data in the process) so I inquired about another solution before trying this one but, as the rest of the story shows, this is what I needed to do.
I just format Sansa, put the newest version of the firmware in it. The files with which I used to have problems read perfectly now. Thus, I guess the problem might have been coming from possibly corrupted files I had on the player beforehand.
Anyways, thank you guys for your prompt support!
May this rich community live long!!!
Glad to see you have updated the firmware on your e200. The final revision is great, with the fewest bugs. In the future, you can leave the files on the device, and delete the music database file which can become corrupted from time to time.
It’s mentioned here in the solution to a separate thread (searched). The DATA file is your target. Once the databse is deleted, the e200 will refresh the database automatically upon disconnect, building a new one from scratch, rather than appending the (corrupted) one.
Bob :smileyvery-happy: