15 days ago I purchased this device and now It wont work, It doesn´t turn on and When connected to a Windows 7x64 its detected but says that the device needs to be formatted in order to be used. The computer detects a 30 mb FAT partition but cant be formatted.
Holding power button for 30 secs dont work.
Can something be done before sending it to customer support?.
Ii sounds like it’s a bum unit. You can contact SanDisk directly for a warranty replacement, or based on when you say you bought it, you might consider retruning it to your dealer which could be faster.
I just purchased Clip Zip SN this evening at Best Buy. The firmware version is 01.01.21A.
Problem: The sample stuff plays very well. The device powers up when connected to my laptop but it is never visible in My Computer under the C and D (DVD) drives. I’ve rebooted my laptop to rule out an on-board USB issue and the Sansa is still not appearing. Bum unit?
I tried Auto, MSC and MTP. No change. It charges, but the OS never sees the device at all. There are no messages about new conenctions or “device is ready to use” and no drive letter appears in My Computer. Thanks!
Drive letters only appear (2; one for the player and the other for the card slot) if the player is connected in MSC mode. In MTP (or Auton Defect), your computer sees the player as an “audio device” which must be managed and no drive letters are assigned.
The device never appeared on the USB . I returned it to Best Buy tonight for a replacement and the new one connected and became immediately visible! ALl is good!