Sansa clip firmware update messed up the sound level

I have a 4GB Sansa Clip and i recently updated the firmware as it was suggested.

From that point on  the  sound has been lowered immensely, thus damaging the allaround quality of the player. I can barely hear and of the songs i have on whilst previously the sound was impeccable and i could enjoy music even in a loud environment. 

At first i thougth the earphones were damaged, so i bought another pair. But that wasn’t it. The volume was still very low.

Also, before the upgrade, there were sound settings that you could play with enhancing the volume of the player. Since the upgrade there are none.

Has anyone experienced this, and if so do you have any suggestions?

Thank you


thank you so much, i really appreciate it, i was considering buying another mp3 player

thanks again

I bought a new sansa clip plus, chose the Europe setting and now I have the same problem. But I’ve just looked at my menu and I can’t find any way to change Europe to any place more resonable. Please tell me there is some way to change the this Nazi, over nannying setting otherwise I’ve just wasted £40!

I have just joined up this forum to thank you Mr Milkerman for your advice, you have also saved me the hassle of buying a new MP3 player. Stupid europe and its low sound volume, thanks again and from London my username is dedicated to you :slight_smile:
