I’ve just upgraded my 2GB Sansa Clip to firmware 02.01.35 and now the overall volume level is MUCH lower than before. This is across the board (i.e. FM Radio and mp3s at all EQ settings).
It’s not my headphones or my ears as I get a decent volume when the same headphones are plugged into an iPod. Plus I’ve tried three different pairs of headphones and they are all too quiet at full volume on my Sansa.
My battery is fully recharged and the Sansa Clip is less than a week old.
I’ve just upgraded my 2GB Sansa Clip to firmware 02.01.35 and now the overall volume level is MUCH lower than before. This is across the board (i.e. FM Radio and mp3s at all EQ settings).
It’s not my headphones or my ears as I get a decent volume when the same headphones are plugged into an iPod. Plus I’ve tried three different pairs of headphones and they are all too quiet at full volume on my Sansa.
My battery is fully recharged and the Sansa Clip is less than a week old.
Any suggestions?
Make sure your settings are for North America and not Europe.
I think I may be being a bit dumb here but I have the same problem - just upgraded to firmware 01.01.35
I remember previously having a sound option but I can’t find it again nor can I see an Europe or N America setting. Could you point me in right direction please ? Where do I find it ?
The options I have under Settings are - Equalizer, power, display, language, FM setting, system info, reset all, format, usb mode and press and hold.
Will post just in case anyone else struggling - basically have to choose reset all. This gives you the option to choose your region. From there can choose your region (just don’t choose Europe if you want to listen to your player on public transport) - America worked for me too.
There’s a lesson in there for all of us. I’ve now downgraded the software in my Clip using the manual method described on the Sansa web site (fortunately it is (was?) an older release of the firmware), and uninstalled the updater from my PC. As they used to say. “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”.
I have exactly the same problem than you. Do you have a solution for european sandisk sansa clip. Do you know where can I get the previous firmware?
Did you even _ read _ this thread? The solution is in the 2nd post. It’s even flagged as the ‘Accepted Solution’!
Plus, there’s only about 50 other threads/posts on this same subject around here. Shouldn’t take any more than about 5 minutes (max) to find one. Much less time than waiting for a response to your question. As of now, you’ve already waited 5 1/2 hours. If I hadn’t responded, who knows how much longer you would have waited. Geesh!