Just got my device yesterday. Overall I’m happy with it, but one thing ruins the whole image. The volume. Its just way too (**bleep**?) quiet. Even if I max it out overall, its just not loud enough for public transportation for example. Which I use quite often. | As soon as I got the player, I did a firmware upgrade. So thats not the problem. What could I do to make it louder? Is there a firmware for that? A hack ? ANYthing? I’d be really happy if there’d be something… (I’m using a Sennheiser CX200 (IIRC) earphones with the device which is not that bad, so I guess thats also NOT The problematic part.). Thanks for the answers. (Ps.: I tried to search around the forums. Found only topics like even the lowest volume is too loud. What the heck? ^^"… (Nah, my hearing is all right before anyone would ask.))
shiki wrote:
As soon as I got the player, I did a firmware upgrade. So thats not the problem. What could I do to make it louder?
It very well could be. Where do you live? The latest firmware update lowered the max. volume to comply with EU laws/standards regarding volume on these portable music players.
Ah …da.n. In Hungary. | Is it possible that you give me a fw from US or somewhere and I upload it to my device? … Maybe EU laws are ok for the ear. But I just cant hear my music on the bus like we’ve got in Hungary… they are too old, loud, etc. And usually I got some people around me who almost yell at each other … it was ok with my phone, but now… please. Help me out somehow. (Is there a way to downgrade to the latest firmware WITHOUT volume standard?
) || To tell the truth, I was really happy to see there is a new firmware. I thought fw just bring new stuff, upgrades. Not such drawbacks which makes a player unusable. :-/
Message Edited by shiki on 01-21-2010 03:43 PM
Install it again or use reset factory settings and on the screen that says north america, europe, rest of world make sure you don’t choose Europe.
Message Edited by summerlove on 01-21-2010 04:42 PM
Great. It works. Thank you VERY much!
No problem
You don’t need to reinstall the Clip+ firmware, if you have the latest. On the player, go to Settings > System Settings > Reset Factory Settings > Yes. You will then be prompted to select your region. The only other setting that resets is brightness and power saver, I believe. Be sure, if in Europe, to go to Settings > Radio Options > Region to select “rest of world” for the EU frequency steps.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
Hi, just got the 8MB clip and love it except cannot get the volume to change. Normal and high get same result. It is already set on North America. Read the Solutions to this and reinstalled Rhapsody but no difference. I do not see how to uninstall or reinstall the player itself. I like this Sansa Clip so much I already ordered two more 4 MB clips for other family members. Will we have the same issues with low volume sound? I hope you can walk me through a fix. Thank you.
First let’s be sure that the volume control is working. With the Clip, this is the rocker on the right side of the player. As you press the up and down buttons, does the display respond, switching from the playback position bar to the volume bar?
The high / low selection under Volume, in Settings, won’t make an audible change as it is selected. What this does is “open” the player to several more volume steps on the “high” side of the scale, the next time you use the volume control. Thus, after selecting “high”, you can roll the volume higher than in the “normal” setting.
Let us know if, when you press the up / down buttons on the volume control, the display responds with the volume bar.
Many thanks for your solution to restoring the low sound after the latest upgrade, I got so wound up with the ■■■■ level of volume I was going to throw it…!
After emailing Sandisk the sent me this forum, great I will keep an eye on this site in future, it was a great help…Alas i think I will think twice now about downloading any further firmware, Leave well enough alone .
Thanks again, where would we be without Friends.
Bob…England. :smileyvery-happy:
Yes, I figured out all my newby issues with the help of Bob and this forum. Thanks! Great MP3 player!
Reading the post I,m a little worried that downloading further firmware supplied by Sansa could have other issues just like the sound/volume problem that many people inc myself have just had.
I realiize its not the fault of Sansa, but the EU in deciding whats best for us ( Ha!)
Maybe it would have been better to state some kind of warning that volume issues would occour to users in Europe if the firmware 1.01.32
was downloaded.
I,m just really gratefull that I have my Sansa clip back & working normal again, Thanks to you guys.
This worked perfectly for me too. I bought a Clip+ for my father in law, who has very poor hearing. He couldn’t use his new present before I reste to factory settings and selected ‘Rest of the world’, and now he can. Thank you!
Setting to Rest of World worked for me, Thank you!
Really enjoying this device but was about to return it due to the volume thing. Very, very happy with it now. Thank you.