Ok first of all let me say that I have read some of the threads are are out there, stating that they experience the same problem. But I wanna know, should I claim that mine is a defective unit, or this thing happens in all sansa clip+ ? I mean, if I get a replacement, is it gonna function properly or would I have to soft reset it every once in a while? It’s such a shame
I really like this player for it’s ridiculous price and I don’t really have time to RMA it. What do you guys say? Is Sansa gonna released a proper firmware update to get rid of this issue? It’s really frustrating to keep having to reseting things device. It’s just ridiculous how often it happens. I notice it happens mostly when I have a memory card in it, transfer some songs and then disconnect it and try to power it on. That’s the first time it happened anyway. I didn’t get this problem when my sd micro was not there yet.
Also, what’s the proper way to transfer music to it? I had it set to autodetect USB mode, dropped the music in the Music folder, then I changed to MSC USB mode in settings. Now there is Another Music folder but my music is not there, What’s the deal?
Have you updated the fimrware? Can’t say that I’ve had this problem.
Auto Defect Mode will default to MTP whenever possible, so sounds like you did things backwards. Files loaded in one mode cannot be seen (by your computer) while connected in the other. Format the player (to erase and clear the memory), switch to MSC, then load your music on.
I just updated the firmware and will format… Will report again if this happens again.
What about the memory card? anything else I need to do with it? Format it too?
@silvershot wrote:
I just updated the firmware and will format… Will report again if this happens again.
What about the memory card? anything else I need to do with it? Format it too?
There’s no need to format the card too. I only recommended formattng the player as this is the quickest and cleanest way for deleting all the user-added files on it.
Ok so what happened. As soon as I insert my samsung 16 gb sdhc micro card while the device is OFF, if I try to turn it on, it won’t turn on. Then I have to do a soft reset. I formated the card too, just in case. But why does this happen? On the micro sd, there is a folder called music which has 2 other folders, audobooks and podcasts. where do I place the songs?
Put your music in the Music folder. You can delete the Audiobooks and Podcast folder within that folder if you’d like or don’t use them.
How did you format the card? With Windows? As FAT32? Don’t use the Quick Format option. You can also use the SD Association’s Formatting Tool.
I did use the quick format option as the little search I did on formating such a memory card didn’t point that out. Why would it make a difference?
Ok it won’t turn on again… This is so f**ed up. It doesn’t seem to be the memory card only. It happens even without it. What the f** is its problem anyway? I always end up receiving defective electronic units… What should I do guys? I really like this little thing but now that it’s messed up like that I don’t know what to say…
Aight so I talked to a representative in Germany, the RMA procedure started.
They said that it’s very unlikely that it doesn’t turn on every now and then. Must have been a hardware thing. How many of you guys have experienced this? Have a been so unlucky? It’s not the first time I receive something electronic that malfunctions… >.>
So I was thinking. The other day at the gym, when I finished working out, I took a wet tissue and cleaned the player a bit all around it. Do you think it might have anything to do with the problem I am experiencing?
And one more thing. The representative I talked to today, said that I should feel a “click” when pressing the power button. I was not sure what he was talking about. What did he mean by that? I can’t really tell what I feel when pressing the power button lol 
Seems like it’s working fine now. Should test it a few more days. Seems like the button feels somewhat different when i press it. The power button that is. I think the problem is mechanical since I don’t get any freeze or whatsoever, while a song plays. Doing a soft reset might help because the button is pressed for a bit, thus achieving a better connection or brings things back to accomplish a good electrical path idunno.
The original packaging was damaged during delivery, but not the red retail box. They only packaged the whole product in a different carton box. So that shouldn’t have damaged the player. Unless something fell on it( which i doubt since the player itself you have cracked or something ), it should have come this way… I think.
I’m having a similar issue:
Clip+ 4GB player freezes or won’t even turn on - nowadays it usually chooses the “won’t even turn on” option.
PC randomly recognizes it, sometime it shows normally as Sansa Clip+, sometimes just as a Removable Drive.
Sometimes Win7 says that I need to format the drive before I can use it.The drive size it wants to format is 4.3MB or so, so it’s definitely not the built-in 4GB RAM, it should be the NAND - somewhere I read on the forum, that it’s about this size.
I already flashed it to the latest update several times, reformatted the RAM, removed SD card, charged fully, discharged fully, reset and forced MSC mode at least a hundred times. Tried at least 5 USB cables with different length, with or without a ferrite sleeve.
So I’m really out of options by now. It’s still messed up.
@rabgiliszta wrote:
I’m having a similar issue:
Clip+ 4GB player freezes or won’t even turn on - nowadays it usually chooses the “won’t even turn on” option.
PC randomly recognizes it, sometime it shows normally as Sansa Clip+, sometimes just as a Removable Drive.
Sometimes Win7 says that I need to format the drive before I can use it.The drive size it wants to format is 4.3MB or so, so it’s definitely not the built-in 4GB RAM, it should be the NAND - somewhere I read on the forum, that it’s about this size.
I already flashed it to the latest update several times, reformatted the RAM, removed SD card, charged fully, discharged fully, reset and forced MSC mode at least a hundred times. Tried at least 5 USB cables with different length, with or without a ferrite sleeve.
So I’m really out of options by now. It’s still messed up.
You should probably call SanDisk Tech Support. You’ve already done everything anyone here could suggest . . . except resetting it (pressing and holding power button for 20-30 secounds). I assume you’ve done that too?
Exactly - I tried resetting several times, to no avail 
I’m off to Chat Support, hopefully I can get it replaced, still got a few months warranty left.
(It’s strange though that usually my gadgets start giving up around warranty expiry. As I can read on this forum, many people started to have the same issue with Clips, all around the same time period. I just wonder if it can be tied to anything - dunno, leap year, solar flares, whatever…)
OK as Rabgiliszta mentioned, i experience the problem when i plug my sansa via the usb to my laptop. a windows pops up saying that i need to format it. if i unplug the device and try to turn it on, it won’t. So for example it will always turn on if there is no interaction with a computer. Now this really limits the possible things that may cause this issue. What is the proper way to format a sansa clip+ ? That’s why you need to reset the sansa I think. Because when you plug it in your pc it sends some data saying that the device needs format and that’s why it won’t turn on. Hope this makes sense, but I am 99% sure it has to do with the interaction with a computer.
I read on this forum that if you format via Windows it screws the player. Is this for real? I am so confused whether to RMA it or not.
@silvershot wrote:
I read on this forum that if you format via Windows it screws the player. Is this for real? I am so confused whether to RMA it or not.
I don’t know where you read this. I’ve been around here for a while and can’t remember ever seeing any claim like that.
Obviously, he best way to format the player is to let it do it itself via the Format option in the Settings menu but . . . you can also format it through Windows. Windows assigns different cluster sizes (I believe it is) that doesn’t optimize the memory like it does if the player formats itself, so it’s usually recommened that one follows up a Windows format (if necessary) with a self-format for this reason, but Windows formatting will not “screw the player up”.
My clip+ just died today. Didn’t drop it, didn’t zap with static electricity and didn’t drop it in the toilet. These things are shoddy. I bought the first one in Feb and it lasted 6 weeks when I brought it back and got a new replacement. And that one lasted 6 weeks. Both went blank during usage but it wasn’t the charge as I regularly charge them up. I tried the force MSC but nothing, the thing is fried as the pc doesn’t even recognize it. What is with the durability of these things? 6 weeks average lifespan with regular 2-3 hours daily usage? I seriously doubt I will ever purchase a sandisk product ever again. This is the kind of garbage associated with Made in Japan in 60s.
From what you describe (about both units), it sounds like they just got “stuck”. This happens occasionally. Did you try resetting them? Press and hold the power button for 20-30 secs. Release and they should start up normally.
For what it’s worth, I’ve had one for almost 2 years. It looks and plays like brand-new. Never had a problem with it. I’m confident is saying there are many others here with similar satisfactory results.
Well as long as mine needs only a reset every now and then, i won’t bother returning it. At least mine doesn’t freeze ever. That’s something, right? For its price it’s awesome I think.