Clip is really great. I have a small probelm though; its not being detected in Automatic mode. When I manually select MSC mode, it works fine. I have upgraded to firmware ver 1.01.29; still the issue isn’t resolved.
I have
Windows xp sp3
Windows media player 11
High speed USB port
Try connecting in Auto mode, go to device manager and look for the device. Delete the device / driver from the system.
Next disconnect the clip, reboot the computer and try to connect again, the computer should “Find new Hardware” and try to reinstall the driver.
But it happen only with my computer, when I try to synchronize my sansa clip (1gb) with another computers it works, what could be happening in this case?
Hi, this is happening to my sansa clip:
I have a small probelm though; its not being detected in Automatic mode. When I manually select MSC mode, it works fine. I have upgraded to firmware ver 1.01.29; still the issue isn’t resolved.
I have
Windows xp sp3
Windows media player 11
High speed USB port "
But it happen only with my computer, when I try to synchronize my sansa clip (1gb) with another computers it works, what could be happening?
You shouldn’t use the Auto Defect mode; it will only cause confusion and problems for you. MSC is the easiest and most trouble-free connection mode. You computer sees your player as any other flash storage device (thumb drive, memory stick, etc.).
MTP mode on the other hand requires your device be ‘managed’ through Windows Media Player and is necessary if you use a subscription service like Rhapsody, Audible, Napster, etc. or borrow digital books from your local library. It requires WMP 10 or above on your computer.