Hello, I’ve seen several variations of this on many other posts here, but thought I’d give it a try anyway. I recently purchased a 8GB Cruz and moved over 5GB of data onto it. This is data that is VITAL and was wiped from every other media when I moved it. I created a password on the SecureAccess software, wrote it in my secure password keeper vault on my phone, and created an appropriate hint.
Everything worked OK the day I did it. I removed the drive from my laptop (no, I didn’t eject it properly. I rarely if ever do…) and went about my day happy in the knowledge that my data was secure.
Flash forward a week or two and I try to access the drive, and the software will no longer recognize my password. I’m completely locked out. I’m 200% sure the password is correct as entered, yet it still doesn’t work.
This is unacceptable, and I can’t believe I’m going to lose 15 YEARS worth of critical data because this product is flawed. I’ll be contacting the state Attorney General later today and work on getting a class action lawsuit started.
Does ANYONE have any suggestions how I might access my files, legal-moral-or otherwise? At this point, I’ll try anything. I’m completely at my wits end…
helsupron9 wrote:
Everything worked OK the day I did it. I removed the drive from my laptop (no, I didn’t eject it properly. I rarely if ever do…) and went about my day happy in the knowledge that my data was secure.
This may have caused the issue. When using these drives you should always eject the drive. Also if data is important you should ALWAYS keep backups.
If you are absolutely sure you are using the correct password and it is not being accepted there is not really much you can do to get the data back as it is encrypted. This is the double edge sword about encryption. If there is an issue caused by the drive or you there is not likely anyway you would be able to get the data. This is why backups of important data are so important to have.
I realize it’s late in the game to post a reply, but I had the same issue and just managed to solve it. So, I’m posting a reply in case other people made the same “mistake” I made.
When I originally opened the drive after installing Secure Access, I saw folders named “SanDiskSecureAccess,” “SanDiskSecureAccess Settings,” and “SanDiskSecureAccess Vault” (along with my other personal folders I did not bother encrypting). I like to keep things tidy so, at some point, I must have moved the “Settings” folder into the SanDiskSecureAccess folder.
The next time I opened the Secure Access application and entered my password, it rejected the password I knew to be correct. After troubleshooting and trying a few variations of the password (just in case), I noticed that, whenever I entered a password attempt, a new folder named “SanDiskSecureAccess Settings” was created in the “main” drive folder, but it disappeared when I chose to retry entering my password.
I moved the original “Settings” folder back into the “main” drive folder, then tried again. Voila! I was able to access all my data. Now I have an “extra” folder that seems superfluous where it is, but well worth it to get access to all my encrypted data again.
This solution is no help to those less compulsive users who did not move the Settings folder like I did, but figured I would throw it out there.
Me too, i have 2 sandisk **bleep** flashdrive, i can no longer login both password, **bleep**!! too much files im gonna lost!
sandisk dont even care, just to sale itme thats it, D am n flashdrives i got!