I got a serious problem with my Sandisk e280…
The other day I was just listening when suddenly my mp3 rebooted without no warning…now it’s keeps on looping on the splash screen (black screen and “Sandisk” in white lettres). Normally after the splash screen, you see the main screen (menu), but my screen turns white and then starts again (splash screen).
Has anyone any suggestion?
1- holding the power button for 20seconds to “reset” it. (then turn it on)
2- take the battery out for 30-60seconds, then put it back in
3- go into recovery mode, make a folder called “Sansa.fmt” and drop it onto the Sansa. It will reformat itself when you power it off. (DO NOT EVER FORMAT the “16mb format” drive!!!)
4- if those don’t work, sometimes the “RAM chip” wiggles loose. You’d have to dissamble it, push it in firmly, and try it again. Pictures and instructions are HERE.
Thanks 4 the info, but how do I get into recovery mode?
I found it(searching on the forum) and I formatted my e280 (by recovery mode)and now everything is working again!Thanks 4 ur help!
You’re quite welcome- that’s Great News!
AutobahnSHO, you are a GOD!!! I was having this same problem with my e250 and had tried a few other solutions without sucess. Your solution worked. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You save me an hour on tech support.
Interestingly, the v1 has this quirk. One wouldn’t think that formatting the data area would affect boot-up, but this cycle is solved with the formatting of the device in Recovery Mode.
I first ran into the problem by accident, and thought it wouldn’t hurt to clear off the old music before trying a firmware reload. Powering up, voila!
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
@autobahnsho wrote:
1- holding the power button for 20seconds to “reset” it. (then turn it on)
2- take the battery out for 30-60seconds, then put it back in
3- go into recovery mode, make a folder called “Sansa.fmt” and drop it onto the Sansa. It will reformat itself when you power it off. (DO NOT EVER FORMAT the “16mb format” drive!!!)
by the way when you say drop the “Sansa.fmt” onto the Sansa, my computer wasnt seeing the usual Sansa drive/folder, but only the 16mb drive, I placed the “Sansa.fmt” there …I guess they must be the same thing but it was confusing to me at first. Anyways, to quote everyone else, Voila!
I have the same problem and unfortunately formatted the the 16GB and now I can’t get rid of it. Tried making a folder snasa.fmt and dropping it in sansa. The fasa says it’s formating but the problem still remains.
JoseNoVe wrote:
I have the same problem and unfortunately formatted the the 16GB and now I can’t get rid of it. Tried making a folder snasa.fmt and dropping it in sansa. The fasa says it’s formating but the problem still remains.
Bad news, Bobo. Your only hope now is the e200tool (Google it) and Linux. Good Luck!
Thank you very much, i had same problem, Thank you.