I have win xp on desk top and when i put the cruzer in the slot the u3 program wont launch, I can still transfer files manually, and when i stick the cruzer in the laptop with win7 the u3 program will launch from the same flash drive. So its not a broken cruzer, i just cant get the u3program to launch from the flash in the machine with xp.
Any help?
ps this isnt a new flash ddrive, its about 3 years old. with no u3 logo
when i stick the cruzer in this blank folder pops open called 432362076022eaa0
I can see the launch u3 in the F drive
and I can see the files in the flash drive and move them manually, but when i click on the launch u3 from the f drive it just brings up those blank folders with the numbers on them like above. so manually clicking it doesnt work, but when i put it in the lap top it lauches fine
Very strange. It sounds like the XP machine has corrupted RAM or something. I really don’t have any ideas on what the cause could be or how to resolve it. Sorry.