I am having the same problem as Johanna…
Tried mine today, first time in 2 weeks, and it had been working well then, (2 weeks ago)…
Same scenario as hers, have tried all the same things as mentioned in this thread, no help…
Differences:…Mine was put into service approx. one month ago, (received it as a Father’s Day present…a late one.)
It has been subjected to no extreme conditions or the like, has had only mp3 files added to it, nothing but tunes…
I get no recognition from my computer, with it connected to it, I have tried my patch cord, on a friends identical player, and it works as advertised.
Like Johanna, I tried all the 30 second button holding, every combination of buttons, ( I fired up the garbage disposal here, LOL), still nothing…and yes, it’s been on the charge for the past 4 hours, and I can’t feel any heat from the battery as it sits, hoping for a charge
Help a Brother out, please!!!
I am new to this technology stuff, (still on the information dirt road), so I am in the dark, basically.
AND, I was gonna’ call their Tech Support, but they are closed on Saturday’s, and will be closed for the holiday on Monday.
Oh, yeah…It’s a “Sansa Fuze”, 4 Gb., with no external card installed.
Standing By…
Forgot to add:
I tried all the steps Black Rectangle suggested,Still, no worky.