Problem with Fuze, Fat is Corrupt, and USB device not recognized.

Alright, so I’ve looked everywhere on this forum, I’ve tried all the suggestions, the computer just doesn’t recognize it, and it’s not Windows 7, becuase I tried it on Vista and XP, and 2000 as well, this thing just doesn’t want to be read anymore, I don’t know what to do. It was working fine, and I didn’t remember doing anything to it, from one moment to the next it just stopped being recognized and gave me that error.

Things I’ve tried

the << suggestion.

Downloading the MTP tool

The center button suggestion

On a curious note, if I have it connect to the PC when I reboot, the PC won’t get past the BIOS, am I crazy to assume this Fuze2gb is FUBAR?

Well, I was getting the FAT is Corrupt error earlier (and for a few days beforehand), it wouldn’t let me read it or anything.

This is what I had to do (it was all in W7);

1 - do the rewind-button thing (Set the Fuze to ‘hold’, then hold in the << button while you plug in the cable, and hold it in until the ‘Connected’ message appears on the Fuze)

2 - if Windows recognises it as a device and assigns it a drive letter (even if you can’t access it) then it should be okay to do the next part

3 - use this formatting tool to format the Fuze as FAT (choose the 2GB volume). Also, don’t tick “Quick Format”; it might make it miss something =x

That’s what I did, and I can access it now. This will erase all data from it (not including firmware/settings/etc.), but hey, small price to pay to have it working again (supposing this works =X)… 

I should maybe also say that the Windows formatting tool (right-click in My Computer, on both XP, Vista and W7) wouldn’t let me format it, but this tool is one I used a long time ago, and it worked perfectly, if a little slowly.

EDIT: Also, on the PC booting note, I think that’s more a general USB device thing. I know my PC doesn’t like to boot if I have a USB storage device plugged in… It might be trying to boot off it but it doesn’t really matter, only means I have to remember to remove the device before shutting down :stuck_out_tongue:

Message Edited by Tyrotoxism on 05-04-2009 12:24 PM

Message Edited by Tyrotoxism on 05-04-2009 04:39 PM

For Fuze,  you press the << (REW)  Key not the center button while hold switch is locked to force MSC mode.

Actually, I got it this morning, I gave it another shot, and it just worked, maybe it needed some time to cool down? Since it was really freakin hot last night. Thanks for all the help.

@havoxx wrote:
Actually, I got it this morning, I gave it another shot, and it just worked, maybe it needed some time to cool down? Since it was really freakin hot last night. Thanks for all the help.

Your Fuze was hot? That’s a bad sign, you may have a battery that’s ready to explode. You might want to think about returning it for a new one, sorry to say.

Nah, it wasn’t the battery that was hot, the battery is up towards the top, it was the bottom, where the flash memory is, I had left it connected to my xbox for a while, so that might have caused the excess heat, and it’s 2 years old already, no warranty on this baby :D.

The xbox could cause the heat but, if you plug it in and it gets hot you have a problem No matter where the position of the battery a hot player is a bad sign. I would call Sandisk if that happens. I dont think the Fuze has been out for 2 years so I would call anyhow.

Yea your right, I got it last year, June or so, been a year almost, but nah, it only got hot in that instance, it never gets hot.