I just bought a red 4gb sansa fuze ondecember 26th and it was working fine until we got a new computer. Now when i plug in my sansa fuze it says “found new hardware MTP device” over and over again. then finally it says “A problem occured during hardware installation. Your hardware might not work properly.” Ive checked everwhere for a solution in cluding this website. and stil…NO SOLUTION! PLEASE HELP!
@willeat4fo0d wrote:
I just bought a red 4gb sansa fuze ondecember 26th and it was working fine until we got a new computer. Now when i plug in my sansa fuze it says “found new hardware MTP device” over and over again. then finally it says “A problem occured during hardware installation. Your hardware might not work properly.” Ive checked everwhere for a solution in cluding this website. and stil…NO SOLUTION! PLEASE HELP!
Please try these in order, and report back :
Yeah i tried all of those none of them worked and still MTP Device keeps popping up and wont stop while it is plugged in.
I also tried reformatting it and now i have nothing on it lol
Try MSC mode
It would help if you named the operating system
vista or xp?
Message Edited by nintendogamer92 on 02-12-2009 05:09 PM
Message Edited by nintendogamer92 on 02-22-2009 12:50 PM
i have xp but i just went out and bought a new one ill let you know if that doesnt work if it doesnt
Okay sadly the new one does not work either…
Did you try MSC? Also you have Service Pack 2 or 3 on XP? Windows Media Player 11? Makes sure your USB Drivers are upto date. Make sure you do the Vista hotfix in the link from above. If this doesnt work Finally, turn Disable the mtp Drivers, this will stop what I assume to be Vista from trying to do the install, but you will ahve to exclusivly use MSC, and Media Monkey or Drag and drop to add files.
how do i Disable the mtp Drivers???
XP or Vista? Ypu said your old one was XP but is the same issue with the new one too? and something I failed to ask… Are you booting the PC up with the Fuze Plugged in? Also, Do they have an internet connection when you try to installe the drivers?
I’ve heard a lot of friends who use Vi$ta complain about their Fuzes not being picked up on correctly. This shouldn’t be a problem in Windoze 7, however, considering they keep the final version of Win7 as stable as their current beta (though I’m told that the Alpha and the Beta for previous Windoze versions was always more stable than the final version).
I have 3 Vista PCs at this point, Fuze is Amazing on all 3. In bot USB modes.