playlists help please

I’ve been reading since last night looking for help on this. I’m a non techy type of person so please take pity on me when you answer and use as simple answers as possible. Thanks. I thought I understood what I’ve been doing or needed to do but obviously not. I’ve been on this site and found a lot of information but I can’t quite wrap my brain around the tech talk and all of the information.  

What I have: 

2 Sansa sandisks e260 and e280. (no v2 or anything else after those numbers on the back of the sansa.) I have reformatted both of them so they are both devoid of music. 

Each one has a microsd card. 

I am using WMP 11. 

What I want: 

What I want is to be able to load up playlists that I have made on WMP to my Sansa sandisks and/or memory card. I want to be able to turn on my sansa and scroll down to my play list and hit play and let it run through the appropriate songs/stories. 

What I’ve done: 

So I get that there are two modes. MSC and MTP. It seems if I am in one mode I can do play lists but it doesn’t see my card (?) best I can tell by looking at what shows on WMP. Is it possible it is, in this mode, it just sees all the memory in one lump sum and not divided out between the sansa itself and the little card? 

However, if I am in the other mode (msc) I can’t download a playlist. It downloads the music that is in the playlist but there is no playlist on my sansa, just the music from the playlist. 

I am pretty good at following simple English step by step instructions.  

I’ve been thinking, would it be better to just mess with genres? I can relable all of the albums I have to be a genre, say kids music, kid stories, etc and then play with genres on my sansa. Would that be an option? It seems like it might be the most simple option, if a bit time consuming. 

Is there any way to take the play lists I’ve already developed in WMP 11 and drag and drop the playlists to my sansa? What mode would be the one I use to do this? I have a feeling it’s mpt but if so will you explain how the memory thing works so I can use all the memory possible? 



There are threads explaining how to transfer a playlist from WMP to your e200. However, the easiest way I have found to make playlists directly on your player is to use the Sanse Playlister

There are also threads here about it. Go to the download page to read about and try it out, I believe you’ll agree that it is the easiest way to make custom playlists. I love it. It won’t sync music to your player, use WMP for that. But once the music is on the player, this little program will make your playlists for you.

ssggeo wrote:

There are threads explaining how to transfer a playlist from WMP to your e200. However, the easiest way I have found to make playlists directly on your player is to use the Sanse Playlister


There are also threads here about it. Go to the download page to read about and try it out, I believe you’ll agree that it is the easiest way to make custom playlists. I love it. It won’t sync music to your player, use WMP for that. But once the music is on the player, this little program will make your playlists for you.

The Sansa Playlister is indeed a Godsend for those with v1 models. You have to check the firmware version to confirm the model though. If the number starts with an 01. then you have a v1. If it starts with an 03. you have a v2 model.

The Playlister won’t work on v2’s. And it only works in MSC mode. So it might not work with files transferred in MTP mode.