oldest fuze v1 firmware versions

please, i need to find many of the oldest firmware versions of sansa fuzev1

@darkham wrote:
please, i need to find many of the oldest firmware versions of sansa fuzev1


Here’s the 01.01.15 fimware from 7/17/2007 where FLAC, OGG support & wrap-around scrolling was added. I remember there being an 01.01.11 version, but I can’t remember if that was the one that came on the unit from the factory, or if it was an update.

I believe this one was the 1st ‘update’ though, as it’s only for Rev. 1 models. The Rev. 2 wasn’t out yet.

Like Marvin, I’m also curious as to why you would want it though?

01.01.11 is the first update available in A and P versions.

@14124all wrote:

01.01.11 is the first update available in A and P versions.

Ah yes, here it is:


@tapeworm wrote:


@14124all wrote:

01.01.11 is the first update available in A and P versions.


Ah yes, here it is:



Yet still the question remains…why?

@gwk1967 i would put it down to retardation…people who cant understand stuff like service packs that contain all previous updates and service packs with each consecutive service pack…

Oh, be nice.  Not everyone is as perfect as you . . . or me.

no but some people just refuse to read, willfull stupidity is one of those things that just buggs the living hell out of me. having worked in techsupport, retail and marketing for years(till the ecoimy did its first big bellyflop) I have a bit of a loathing for people who wont read and wont listen…its like people who refuse to google/bing for themselves to find answers…makes me want to take a sledge hammer to their reproductive organs :stuck_out_tongue:

Tech support?.  I know how, er, annoying some people can get.  Where I live, there are plenty of them.

you couldnt pay me enough to do phone support for a bigbox store again, talk about wanting to commit seppuku and murder all at the same time…people are DUMB and REFUSE to RTFM…then have the balls to call up all pissed off they cant get stuff like that $300 multi remote to work(the one that takes like 2hours to program for every device in your home) *grumbles* people ■■■■…

@azuresky wrote:
you couldnt pay me enough to do phone support for a bigbox store again, talk about wanting to commit seppuku and murder all at the same time…people are DUMB and REFUSE to RTFM…

It’s even worse in person! :angry:

oh i know, I spent close to 2 hrs a while back trying to explain to a mac user that the reason he was paying me 175bucks was that I had spent most of a day cleaning malware off his osx(dialer type **bleep** he installed off porn sites) he INSISTED that mac’s dont get malware or viruses EVER, his evidence was those mac commercials and what the apple store sales person told him. yes they can get ■■■■ on them, and infact its even harder to remove in some ways then windows equivalents, because theres no good mature software for cleaning/protecting a mac… but the guy just wouldnt get it, his wife showed up, 10min later she paid me and said if they had those problems again she would def bring the system back to me(far cheaper then what other people charge for same kind of service around here) iTards/iDiots are some of the worst people to deal with, and they cant all afford apple products, so some get other stuff and then cant understand why it wont work with itunes for example…*rolls eyes* I think I should start a support group for techs…we all suffer due to others stupidity!!!