does anyone know were i can get it just want to test it out
What is the first Fuze Firmware version? << here is 1.01.11a you maybe able to fiddle with the filename to get other versions.
Test how? and For what? Not trying to stop you I’m Just curious.
01.01.07 is the earliest I’ve seen with 01.01.11 being the first update. You may be able to get Sandisk Tech Support to email it to you. I don’t think it is available anywhere else. I still have 07 version on 1 player, but no way to get it off in a useable form.
@conversionbox wrote:
Test how? and For what? Not trying to stop you I’m Just curious.
LOL Probably one of those secret rockbox developers
keep it on the downlow
@delonh24 wrote:
keep it on the downlow
Really? your kiddin right? How do you plan to test the firmware?
@delonh24 wrote:
keep it on the downlow
Asking for it here, essentially means it is no longer on the “downlow”
i am try to see if i could test it out to see if it could be themed does anyone have to first sansa fuze firmware
Wow, I don’t recall if the 07 build was ever on the server. The first one I saw online was the 11 release.
@neutron_bob wrote:
Wow, I don’t recall if the 07 build was ever on the server. The first one I saw online was the 11 release.
Yeah, I don’t think the original shipping FW was ever posted for download. 11 is probably the earliest you can get publicly.
well thank anyways