I had gotten the Sansa Clip for Christmas today, and I think I still need to authorize it. But, my computer might not even be recognizing it fully.
I plug the Clip into my comp., and all that happens is a box popping up.
Click on that box, nothing happens. Go to My Computer, Sansa isn’t there.
Other info:
When I go to Devices under Preferences in Rhapsody, there isn’t a device available. Follow Add a New Device to a pop up, install the Sansa Clip, and Rhapsody needs an update. Complete the update, and this is still showing.
I’m missing something, I just know it. I’d like some one to point me in the right direction.
After that, plug in your PC (make sure it’s XP SP2 with WMP10 or later). Then check your windows explorer to see if the device connected. If it does, then it should also pop up on Rhapsody application and you can choose to authorize it.
Root directory? I don’t see anything about my Sansa clip, except for that one box not going away. How am I supposed to get that firmware onto my player?
I feel like a fool asking for so much help.
Make sure you have the latest Rhapsody. Only latest Rhapsody will support Sansa Clip… earlier version do not…so you can try update your Rhapsody application first…then update your media player to WMP11…and see if it will work.