My playlists and songs download fine, but none of the album info will download? It used to…but now I just get the generic cd picture next to each song and thats it, any ideas of how to fix this would be great! thanks!!
Most audio files I download don’t have the information in them.There is a software known as MP3Tag to overcome this problem.Using this software you can tag the desired information on an audio file.Try out this awesome software.It never failed me!
i don’t get this software at all - why doesn’t album art download onto the player when it downloaded fine onto my creative using a laptop - i ripped a cd, album art came up fine on windows media, synced it, so why wont the nice picture go to my sansa fuze player ?? its not essential, it would just look nice !!?
@gavinedwards wrote:
i don’t get this software at all - why doesn’t album art download onto the player when it downloaded fine onto my creative using a laptop - i ripped a cd, album art came up fine on windows media, synced it, so why wont the nice picture go to my sansa fuze player ?? its not essential, it would just look nice !!?
The fuze is really really picky about the art files. The only way to get the art right and that is reliable, is to have an image in the folder for the album called either folder.jpeg or album art.jpeg, and then drag and drop. I have found that with Media monkey I can embed the art in my tags, and then have MM extract it to folder.jpg when I add files to the fuze. The things you have to be careful about is the size of the image and the name of the image. If its too big the fuze cant process it and if you are trying to make it album art it must be called folder.jpegor album art.jpeg otherwise it wont work.
Using MP3Tag to insert the Art in the mp3 file as metadata is the easy way to do it. But it doesn’t work with .flac files (at least on my Fuze) so I resort to the old tedious method of taking a jpg of the album art and renaming it to “Album Art.jpg” and putting it in the folder for the respective album.
@garballz wrote:
Using MP3Tag to insert the Art in the mp3 file as metadata is the easy way to do it. But it doesn’t work with .flac files (at least on my Fuze) so I resort to the old tedious method of taking a jpg of the album art and renaming it to “Album Art.jpg” and putting it in the folder for the respective album.
@garballz wrote:
Using MP3Tag to insert the Art in the mp3 file as metadata is the easy way to do it. But it doesn’t work with .flac files (at least on my Fuze) so I resort to the old tedious method of taking a jpg of the album art and renaming it to “Album Art.jpg” and putting it in the folder for the respective album.
I don’t know what you are doing wrong, but I use MP3Tag all of the time to embed art into .flac files. But as CB mentioned earlier, the embedded artwork can’t be too big of size or too high of resolution for the fuze to display it properly.
I’m not sure what is wrong then. I can embed a 6k jpg in a mp3 and it shows fine, but when the same jpg is embeded in a flac file it doesn’t display it?!?
Is there a way to tag it when it is already loaded on the Fuze? I don’t want to delete music and reload it after it’s tagged. If I connect using MTP with a Rhapsody interface, can’t I tag the existing files from the Fuze using MP3tag? It would be really simple if I could. Then I just tag songs that I know don’t have album art. I tried this, but I couldn’t get MP3tag to see the Fuze’s directory. Also, Rhapsody can see some of the album art that I know the fuze shows, but can’t see other art the fuze shows. Flakey.