New Fuze/Media Converter Issues

I got an 8gb Fuze for Christmas. I am running Vista, and everything has been great with the Fuze until I tried putting videos on it. Everything has installed fine, I have media player 11, and run the converter in compatibility mode with XP sp2, all drivers seem to be good, and I have downloaded several different quicktime codecs, and have eventually broke down and downloaded quicktime itself(boo hiss apple) to get the required codec. Everytime I try to add a video (format is .avi) it hangs. Anybody got any ideas? Any help would be appreciated.


hey, has anybody had any issues converting .avi files to their fuze? I have been able to successfully convert mpeg-4 movies over, which is good, except all of my movies and shows are in the .avi format…

Help please

Thanks to another post on this forum I was able to solve my problem. to convert the .avi files I needed to download and insall the k-lite codec bundle. thanks for all the help(sarcasm == wonderfull) :stuck_out_tongue:

There are two good bundles out there, the k-lite codec package, and CCCP.  I like the Soviet era logos for that.

Da, tovarich.  Red menace make computering videos for you.  Is good.

If only the Media Converter would give us error codes in the case of missing codecs…  These two bundles may help with those who can’t get SMC to convert properly.  Essentially, you’re putting more tools in the toolbox.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: