“How do I add tracks to a playlist already on the Fuze?”
Configuration is a factor, so pay attention:
I have a 4GB Sansa Fuze + 8GB Sansa microSDHC cards (which are tiny!) I store all of my music on the uSD cards.
I always run in MSC mode, so Windows sees the complete unit as two independent USB drives.
I struggled with playlist creation using Windows Media Player for a while, and had some successes and failures, including the dreaded ‘double files’ problem (a real pisser!).
Then I discovered a little utility called ‘PlayList Creator’, which makes and arranges .m3u playlists using drag & drop. ‘PlayList Creator’ is available from our friends at oddgravity.de. It’s freeware, and can be downloaded from soft32.com at this link (if moderators let links through):
Playlist Creator 3.5.0
It’s interface is English, German, and perhaps others. If you can’t work out how to make .m3u playlists using this tool, you don’t deserve to have anything as cool as a Sansa mp3-etc. player.
A .m3u playlist file is actually just a specially formatted text file, and can be built by hand, if you’re patient. For example, I always use my Fuze in MSC mode (see above), and all of my music is sorted into [drive letter] X:\MUSIC [folder]\A [folder] or B [folder], etc. Under the alphanumeric folders, I further sort them into band/artist names; e.g., Aerosmith [folder], Alice In Chains [folder], etc. if I have >1 song. If only 1 song by an artist, the song just lies in the A, B, C, etc. -level folder. So the physical structure is sort of like this:
X:\MUSIC\A\Aerosmith\Aerosmith - Dream On.mp3
X:\MUSIC\A\Aerosmith\Aerosmith - Rag Doll.mp3
X:\MUSIC\A\Alice In Chains\Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You.mp3
X:\MUSIC\A\Alice In Chains\Alice In Chains - Rooster.mp3
X:\MUSIC\A\Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine.mp3 <– Note: No Aqualung folder; only one by this artist
Back at the top-most level, I have a folder called Playlists:
X:\Playlists <– contains all playlists
Given this file structure, an individual .m3u playlist using only these songs is formatted thusly:
#EXTINF:-1,Aerosmith - Dream On
…\MUSIC\A\Aerosmith\Aerosmith - Dream On.mp3
#EXTINF:-1,Aerosmith - Rag Doll
…\MUSIC\A\Aerosmith\Aerosmith - Rag Doll.mp3
#EXTINF:-1,Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You
…\MUSIC\A\Alice In Chains\Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You.mp3
#EXTINF:-1,Alice In Chains - Rooster
…\MUSIC\A\Alice In Chains\Alice In Chains - Rooster.mp3
#EXTINF:-1,Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine
…\MUSIC\A\Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine.mp3
The #EXTM3U is header, and must be first line of the file.
The – > -1, <– after each –> #EXTINF: <– set is normally the song play time in seconds, so numbers like 163 or 155 aren’t unusual. The –> -1, <– value is intended to indicate streaming audio (like over the 'net), but can also act as a default null-value song length. If you use a tool like ‘PlayList Creator’, the tool handles all of this. The thing is, it’s all irrelevant, because everything following –> # <– makes it a comment line, although the value after the length is the title to be shown by the player, which is generally the same as the location of the file which is on the second line.
All you actually need are the paths to the target files. The path line can be absolute or relative. Mac and Linux use Linux format. So, …/ refers to the parent directory, in this case, because my playlist is 1 folder below the topmost directory, in a ‘Playlists’ folder, so it refers itself to the topmost/parent directory, then follows an absolute path to the file.
No special termination is required. That’s the entire playlist. Name it with a .m3u file extension, and it goes into an X:\Playlists folder.
But I *strongly* recommend ‘Playlist Creator’ …
Have fun!
[Edited link description after checking. Looks like an interesting application. -µsansa]
Message Edited by microsansa on 06-21-2009 09:36 AM