I orginally was able to easily drag and drop to add playlists to my Fuze, but recently, after not having plugged my Fuze to my computer in a while, I plugged it in and was not able to get the computer to read the Fuze. (I had also added a microSD card.) To fix this I changed the Auto detect method to MSC. MTP would not read. I was also trying to free up some space on the Fuze so I deleted a bunch of sound files but they still showed up in the Fuze although did not play, I’m not sure why this is. In MSC mode it would not show any files except for the voice and radio files. So instead of manually deleting files I just reformated the Fuze hoping all problems would be solved. Nothing was solved, but it works fine aside from not being able to add playlists. I also updated my firmware to the most recent v1.
The Fuze will add songs from the playlist, but will not show up under playlists in the Fuze, it will only show the GoList. I also noticed that in the left drop down menu for the Fuze in WMP (which I’ve always used) does not show a folder for playlists like it did before.
I use windows XP, WMP 11.
So I’d really like to get some playlists established, any help?
P.S. my Fuze will show up in the E: and the F: drive for some reason even when no microSD card is inserted.
In MSC mode, the fuze shows up as drives but unlike MTP mode Windows Media player and other players won’t add playlists as they don’t detect it as a media player - just drives added to your system.
The fuze will show up as two drives even without a card in the slot; one will contain your media and the other will show up as an empty (ie, unpopulated) card slot.
You need a different app to add playlists. I could recommend YAPL to create playlists, as that’s what I wrote it for - playlists in MSC mode:
I’ve download the program. Yeah its doesn’t read the ogg files but thats no problem. But it also takes forever to move past .wav files. It doesn’t immediately encounter the error that it can’t open the file so it takes over 5 minutes to give me the option to ignore the file. It could be because some of the ,wav files are over 40 minutes, but either way is there some way to avoid these files or to ignore them before the updating of the media list.
@gh28 wrote:
I’ve download the program. Yeah its doesn’t read the ogg files but thats no problem. But it also takes forever to move past .wav files. It doesn’t immediately encounter the error that it can’t open the file so it takes over 5 minutes to give me the option to ignore the file. It could be because some of the ,wav files are over 40 minutes, but either way is there some way to avoid these files or to ignore them before the updating of the media list.
Interesting - it works fine on all my .ogg files here, and my .wav files. You’ve not got them open in other applications, by any chance? The files are opened, read (in the case of .wav files, it only reads a few bytes from the header - it’s quicker at reading them than it is mp3 files, and the length of the .wav file is irrelevant).
Is there anything special about your files? I’ve not had any other complaints about it not reading .oggs - it can even modify the tag data for them.
Sorry, I meant where on the Fuze do I save it. That is what I want to do correct?
On the fuze, you can save it anywhere. I tend to put mine in the PLAYLISTS folder on the root of the fuze itself, but it should pick them up when it scans for changes to your media no matter where you put them.