i tried reading other post and followed instructions but no luck made it most of the way through and than got errors
It is excellent that you read other posts, you are ahead of 99% of other people that just fire off a post.
There are many instructions to follow, which did you try and what were the results? What happened when you had it in MSC mode? What did the computer do when you had it in MTP mode?
a set of instructions i followed were from a post “sansa player not recognized by the operating system”
this is what was shown for mtp mode when i tried to install
drivers not installed (code 28) reistalled drivers than hardware not installed because wizard cannot find necessary software am i supposed to have a disc??
than in msc mode reistalled driver device cannot start (code 10) inf invalid
also at some point in one of the modes insufficient system resources exist to complete is there any other way to install
when pluged in does nothing auto have to go through manager to find it in yellow or to check the “insufficient” part out??
The problem with Windows is it just works. It sounds like you are having an issue with Windows recognising the Fuze, from the look of those error messages your problem is with Windows not the Fuze.
Windows should recognise the Fuze as an external storage device when it is in MSC mode. Have you tried plugging in another storage device (like a flash drive)? Have you restarted Windows?