My computer doesn't recognize my Sansa Connect

My computer doesn’t recognize my Sansa Connect. It used to recognize it before the update but now it doesn’t. Does any 1 else have this problem?

Message Edited by GamerC on 01-24-2008 05:45 PM

Message Edited by GamerC on 01-26-2008 09:09 PM

Try the Recovery Tool.

I already tried that

I’m having the same problem…shuts down my pc when its connected.

It may be a problem with MTP … try reinstalling WMP11.

Man, I’ll be jumpin’ for joy if Sandisk ever decides to add MSC support to the Connect.  I know it doesn’t jive with their Yahoo Music To Go, but how many new YMtG subscriptions are being sold these days, anyway?

MTP is just way too kludgey …

If the comp isnt recognizing the Connect as anything more than an MTP Device, check your task manager to make sure there is a process running named “WUDFHost.exe”. If it is not running the the PC wont see it. I have had that issue myself with my XP BoX as well as my Vista.

Lowjack wrote:

If the comp isnt recognizing the Connect as anything more than an MTP Device, check your task manager to make sure there is a process running named “WUDFHost.exe”. If it is not running the the PC wont see it. I have had that issue myself with my XP BoX as well as my Vista.

On XP, the Windows User Driver Framework doesn’t show up as an instance of process “WUDFHost.exe”, but “svchost.exe” … but a lot of other sevices also run out of this process.  To verify that the service is running, you’d run the Services applet (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services) and make sure that “Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework” has been started.

i hope this one is gonna help connect sansa to usb (you’ll get ‘mtp device found’), reboot sansa (hold power button for 10 secs), go to control panel->system->hardware->device manager->portable device->delete mtp device->you’ll get sansa connect there instead of mtp device. bingo, happy dancing. :smiley:

On Vista, right clicking on MTP device shows “Disable” or “Uninstall”.  When you say “delete mtp device,” which would that be?

Everything works fine now on this PC with other MTP players from Sandisk and Creative.  Might I do any harm to their compatibility by trying this fix?

This is a new Connect, connected to two computers today for the first time.  Works fine on XP, but MTP apps don’t work on Vista (those same MTP apps work fine with a number of other MP3 players).
Here are the differences:

  1. Initial discovery
      - XP: discovered and ready almost immediately (maybe 5-10 seconds),
      - Vista: took a loooong time (several minutes) for Vista to ready this device, a long time at “Searching for drivers” or something similar.
  2. MTP apps
      - XP: work fine.
      - Vista: Neither Sansa Media Converter nor OverDrive Media Console (an MTP app for audiobooks) see the Connect.
         I use both these apps successfully with other Sansas on this computer. 
  3. Windows Explorer:  Works fine on either PC, drag-and-drop.  Icons are different:
      - XP: icon of vertical player with headphones, sort of like the Connect but with headphone jack on top.
      - Vista: icon of horizontal player like a Creative Vision W or iRiver Clix 2 held in landscape mode.

On the Vista PC, no “WUDFHost.exe” in Task Manager, but “Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework” has been started in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.

This Connect is running:
Boot Loader 24655

i meant uninstall.


Holy Cow.  You’re a genius, it worked just like you said.  Uninstall, disconnect Connect (great example why capitalization matters!), re-connect Connect, almost instantly it found the device as a Connect like on my XP machine.

Thanks so much.  I love this player.

Have you tried just doing a full power cycle on the device? I’ve seen a simple power cycle will allow the Connect to connect to the PC even if its acting normal when unplugged. Just hold down the power button for 10 secs. The Connect will say, “going to sleep”, then “shutting down”. Its a bit faster then uninstalling the device then reinstalling it.

omg this so help me i thank who eva wrote this i been sittin here foreva tryna get this…u r a genius…YAYYYYY

When i go to device manager i cant seem to find portable devices. Is it under another drop down or should it just be there?