First of all, I read in the license agreement that one is not supposed to use the forums to get support from Sandisk employees, but from other users…or something like that? I’m a little confused by that - don’t want to do anything illegal. Does anyone know anything about that?
So, I’ll go ahead and post my question and hope I’m not breaking any rules in any way.
I’m trying to transfer audio books from Overdrive Media Console to my Sansa Fuse, and the USB setting has to be set to MTP mode, but when it is, my computer won’t recognize the player. I’ve tried installing Windows Media Player 11, but that did nothing to help. I’ve been reading these forums for hours and trying different suggestions, but nothing has worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. (By the way, I have Windows XP, in case that is needed info.)
Windows XP came with WMP 9, and MTP mode requires WMP 10, so you did the right thing by installing WMP 11. And it’s odd that you are having trouble with the MTP connection after that.
On the computer itself, does WMP 11 load correctly and look like it’s working? Try uninstalling Overdrive and reinstall it now that you have the new WMP.
I trust you can connect in MSC mode, so we can rule out a problem with the cord? Also, try connecting with WMP already open, and try connecting to every USB port. Ones on the back of a laptop usually have more power, which can help.
If none of that works, just for the heck of it try installing the MTP Porting Kit from Microsoft, which can mysteriously fix things sometimes.
And don’t worry about the legalese. All they’re saying is that this is a user forum and SanDisk isn’t responsible for some of the cockamamie stuff you might read here.
@black_rectangle wrote:
And don’t worry about the legalese. All they’re saying is that this is a user forum and SanDisk isn’t responsible for some of the cockamamie stuff you might read here.
_ Cockamamie stuff? Here? Nahhhh! _

Yay! Black-Rectangle, thank you so much for the help! I reinstalled Overdrive and that seems to have solved my problem. It’s funny that it was such a simple solution and I had searched all over the forums last night and tried all sorts of things, lol. That’s how computers are, I guess. Thanks again for the help!