Music Playlists

I followed all of the instructions on how to “sync” Windows Media Music Playlists, but once I synced it, the music shows up and plays, but only by album or artist or songs…etc.  They are not grouped by the playlist in which they were transfered from. 

Also, I have to say this MP3 is pretty complicated in some areas.  I can’t see someone who doesn’t understand computers very being able to get help with this.   My player did not come with thorough instructions, not to mention saying nothing about the “Sansa Media Converter.”  I would not have known about half of the instructions without extra research.  I’m just saying setting this thing up is not very user friendly in my eyes.

Did you go to the playlist choice in the music menu and it doesnt show Up? What happens is it puts the music on your player as individual tracks and then when you go to: music> playlists (its right below top rated)> Then chose the playlist name = It plays it in the order you want (As long as shuffle is off) Just like Windows media.

As for everything else about bring user friendly, most people can use the web and go to where they can find all of the information you are looking for under the Support tab and the FAQs

Thank you for your help.  I did check under playlists and all it lists is GoList.  This is where I am confused.

If thats all it said do 2 things

1.make sure your USB mode is the same as it was when you syncd the files

  1. Go to my computer open the fuze,Chose internal memory or external memory(This only matters if you have an SD card inserted)based on where you syncd the files, open the folder that says Playlists and see if they are there. If not then The playlist file never syncd, if they are there delete them

Then set the fuze up the way the instructions told you and sync again.

It IS a bit complicated; it’s a computer, really!

If you really want dead simple with no computer issues, I guess you can listen to the radio or get a DiscMan.

As with all computer stuff, the manuals ■■■■ or are non-existant.

You need to Google like a fiend, stay tuned to THIS forum and ask friends.

Personally I abandoned playlists with Windows Media Player because they were so time consuming and ended up with Error tracks and weird Syncing issues.  For me, it’s just not worth it.  I don’t even want WMP controlling my overall library of music. 

I use Go List (which I am constantly editing), listen to a whole album or listen to a whole artist.  Or a genre…For me that’s plenty.

Is it possible to create playlists with songs already on the Fuze? Or will I have to re-copy them over again?

If you connect your Fuze in MTP mode, and use a Windows PC, you can use Windows explorer to do create playlists.

Navigate to the items you want in the playlist in Explorer (MyComputer->Fuze->InternalMemory->…), select the items, right click and select Create Playlist. You can select individual tracks or folders containing tracks (e.g. several albums).

You get a playlist dropped in the current folder. You can rename it, and move it to the Playlist folder (if you want). You don’t need to move the playlist, the Fuze will find it wherever it is.

You will probably want to open the  playlist in Explorer and sort the tracks into the order you want.

This procedure doesn’t work well if the playlist or any items in it are on the microSD card (although I haven’t tried since the latest firmware came out - so YMMV).


I will try it, thanks. Btw, will the playlists revert if I switch back to “automatic” USB mode?

@mingodynasty wrote:
I will try it, thanks. Btw, will the playlists revert if I switch back to “automatic” USB mode?


Auto mode probably connects as MTP anyway if you are using Windows XP (with WMP 10 or 11) or Vista.

“Is it possible to create playlists with songs already on the Fuze? Or will I have to re-copy them over again?”

I would also appreciate an answer to this, thanks.

Message Edited by vyrenee on 12-28-2008 07:08 AM


I’ve only just got my fuze so please me gentle if I’m being stupid!  I’ve created a playlist using media player 11.  And according to media player I have synched it with the fuze but when I go to playlists on the fuze it is empty.  Any suggestions?

@vyrenee wrote:

“Is it possible to create playlists with songs already on the Fuze? Or will I have to re-copy them over again?”


I would also appreciate an answer to this, thanks.

My earlier message in this thread is about how to create playlists with tracks already on the Fuze using Windows Explorer:

@daytona955 wrote:

If you connect your Fuze in MTP mode, and use a Windows PC, you can use Windows explorer to do create playlists…



Thanks.   Seems to give me a separate playlist for each song I select, rather than one playlist with all of the songs on it.  Am I doing something wrong? 

Message Edited by vyrenee on 12-30-2008 01:30 PM

I wanted to write that I have finally figured it out…took me a week to figure it out, but I figured it out.  I’m sort of embarrassed to say that it was as simple as upgrading my Windows Media Player from V.10 to V.11.  I hope by me  posting this, it will save someone else the frustration of it being so simple.