More Newbie Questions

  1. Since all I want to do is drag and drop song files from my pc hard drive to the Clip+ should I set the USB mode to MSC?

  2. When I connect the device to my pc I notice when I add (drag and drop) new songs to the device in Internal Memory> Music folder the previous group that were transfered (dropped) the day before do not appear in the Music folder. Those earlier transfers will display in the device and I can play them - is there a reason why they do not appear in the Music folder when the device is connected to my pc?

I’m sure there is an explanation for my questions somewhere in the manual, but I haven’t come across it yet.




Thanks for the response. I’m still getting acquainted witht the Clip+ and at age 79+ learning something new is not as easy as it once was.

Noticed that I can no longer just drag and drop music files from my hard drive music folder to the clip as I did on my first transfer , For some reason they appear in the display but won;t play and in order to get them to transfer to the clip and play on it, I have to use the Sync feature in Windows Media Player. What am I not doing correctly?


Thanks again, Milkerman. I will try your suggestions.
