I’ve sync-ed some songs from my computer to my Fuze, using Media Player. All goes well, and they appear on the Fuze list of ‘recently added’. However later they just disappear. This has happened several times. Any ideas anyone?
Explain “disappear”.
They just aren’t there anymore - not listed under ‘artists’, ‘albums’, ‘songs’ - either in the display on the Fuze, or when viewed via WMP on my computer
On further examination it seems that whenever I add something it automatically removes the items I had most recently added. On WMP underneath where it lists ‘items to be added’ it lists ‘items to be removed’. These items are the ones most recently added, and I haven’t asked it to remove them. There is over 3mb of space. How do I stop it removing things?
Stop using WMP. You don’t need it; you can do it yourself, simply and easily.
Yes, stop using WMP. it makes everything wrong. :angry:
@doughlas789 wrote:
Yes, stop using WMP. it makes everything wrong. :angry:
Yes, stop repeating what others have said in outdated threads. It makes _ you _ wrong!