Hello all, and just wanted to let you know instead of the 8GB e280, the seller only had the v1 2GB e250 in stock, so I took what I could get for now. He hopes to have some more refurbed e280’s in soon, and of course, I’ll get one!
I got the v1 2GB e250 in the mail today, and I’ve now got it Rockboxed!! Rockbox is much more useful than the included SanDisk firmware, that’s for sure. I now have a clock in either 12 or 24 hour format, a calulator, stopwatch, and even a lamp that uses the display to light the way!! :smileyvery-happy: It also has many games, as well as other applications I’ll have to try out as well.
The only downside? I can’t seem to get the themes and fonts I downloaded to install. I’ve been messing with it for over 3 hours now, but I’m going to take a break for awhile. I can’t do it from within the Rockbox Install Application because the themes site is down at the moment, and it tells me to install manually. When I extract the files to the Rockbox root folder, they do not show up within the Settings/Theme Settings/Browse Themes or Settings/Theme Settings/Browse Fonts on the e250 player. If anybody has any ideas, I’d certainly appreciate it, but I hate to ask since I’ve been searching and using advice found both here and at the Rockbox forums to try and figure it out, but to no avail. I don’t think the Themes are broken, but I could be wrong. I installed (I thought) all the fonts needed, but they don’t seem to show up (unless they are considered part of the initial Rockbox download/install fonts package). The others I’m trying to install came from the Rockbox themes page, which help in case a given theme I’m trying to use does not have the required fonts.
Thank you all, and I love this little player even more now!! :smiley:
PS: Does anyone know how accurate the included battery bench application is? Thank you!
Edited for typo.
Message Edited by sansaversion1 on 12-29-2008 06:22 PM
Make sure you are ‘extracting’ the .zip files, not just copying them over to the player. They also need to go into the root directory of your player, just like updating your firmware. The individual files will go where they need to be.
As far as the themes, there were major changes in the 3.0 version that came out a few months ago, and many of the existing themes are now ‘broken’ when using the newer RB version. But they will still show up in your ‘Browse Themes’ menu. Depending on where you D/L the thems from, they may or may not have been updated by the author to work correctly with the newer RB firmware.
It’s takes some digging to find it, but the changes are in the RB forum. You’ll most likely need to change the WPS yourself. I did. 
Thank you Tapeworm. As you can see, I’m back trying to figure this out. At the moment, this is exactly what I am doing. I double checked the RB Themes page (where I got my downloads) and made sure to download those that are compatible with RB build 3.0, which is what I installed. However, when I unzip a Theme - say Black and Blue - (into .Rockbox - that is where to unzip it, right?), it still does not show up within the Browse Themes folder to give me a chance to use it. Nor does Razor #2 or Wisp. The themes are also not showing up in the Browse .wps files within Theme Settings
And as far as changing the WPS myself, that is Greek to me. Do you mean going into the Browse .wps files and choosing one of those? Thank you again.
Reason for edit: Misspelling
Message Edited by sansaversion1 on 12-29-2008 07:24 PM
Hello again all. I decided to use Explorer and see if I could find the themes. I found them in another theme folder which was created for some reason (using an upper case ‘t’ for the theme), somehow. I pasted them into the theme folder (with the lower case ‘t’), and now the themes are selectable and working!! Cool!! Thank you again Tapeworm!! :smileyvery-happy:
@sansaversion1 wrote:
I double checked the RB Themes page (where I got my downloads) and made sure to download those that are compatible with RB build 3.0, which is what I installed. However, when I unzip a Theme - say Black and Blue - (into .Rockbox - that is where to unzip it, right?)
A lot of the themes on that site are not updated, and so will appear broken with RB 3.0 or 3.1, but I didn’t D/L any of the ones you mentioned, so good luck.
No, you are not right in extracting the theme .zip files into the .rockbox folder. Extract it to your player’s root directory (Example - F: ). It will find the .rockbox folder and put everything where it needs to be.
Most of them aren’t that big a deal to fix. You only need to change a line or 2 of code. It was all Greek to me too, but I was able to muddle through it, and even change a few things more to my liking.
You’ll discover though also, that Rockbox (the program itself) does not support .jpgs, so your album art won’t be displayed. There is a .jpg viewer in the plug-ins, but nobody has taken it upon themselves to incorporate it into the main Rockbox code. Some of the themes are made to include album art, some aren’t. For RB to display album art, you have to convert your album art.jpgs to .bmps. And different themes use different sizes. You would have to get the re-size patch. With the latest version, 3.1 it is supposed to automatically re-size the art for you, a major improvement. I don’t worry about it, and knowing about the .bmp issue beforehand, only downloaded themes that didn’t have art in them anyway.
Have fun! 
Thank you Tapeworm, you’ve taught me something else new again. So, just to make sure I’ve got this clear in my thick Mississippi redneck head, instead of unzipping into the .rockbox folder on the player, just unzip into the drive Windows has assigned to the player, right? And Rockbox puts things where they belong?
Also, what can I do to clean up the extra, un-needed theme files I’ve now accumulated with my ignorance? Thank you again!!
sansaversion1 wrote:
Thank you Tapeworm, you’ve taught me something else new again. So, just to make sure I’ve got this clear in my thick Mississippi redneck head, instead of unzipping into the .rockbox folder on the player, just unzip into the drive Windows has assigned to the player, right? And Rockbox puts things where they belong?
That’s correct.
Also, what can I do to clean up the extra, un-needed theme files I’ve now accumulated with my ignorance?
If it were me, I’d probably start over by deleting the entire .rockbox folder and related RB files from the root directory and then re-install it and then the themes. It should only take a few minutes, but will save you confusion down the road. 
Thank you again Tapeworm, you’ve gotten through to my thick head!!
I was going to try and search for Theme files named the same and delete all but 1, but your solution sounds much safer and easier. Thank you again, and hopefully one day I can offer some kind of assistance to you as well; but I see you’ve forgotten more than I’ll ever learn. :)
after loading rockbox uitl onto e200 v1 sandisk mp3 player, can i now upgrade to a higher sd gig memory other then 2gig. i would like to upgrade to at least 8gig. is that possible?
according to what i have read that is possible
could someone answer my question
thank you
Yes. Rockbox handles MicroSDHC up to the current limit, 16GB, and probably will handle 32GB when they arrive.
But: You cannot load the MicroSDHC card via USB to the Sansa because the original Sansa firmware still can’t read it. You will have to load the card with a card reader or other device. And of course you won’t be able to play from the MicroSDHC if you boot to the Sansa firmware.
i did load it onto my pc
then update thru that uitl - sorry about the mis-statement
so do i need to buy a card reader or what
i am looking to buy a sd 16gig card - is that correct
thank you for your help
You can get whatever card size your little heart desires . . . as long as it’s the ‘micro’ size.
And yes, you will need to get a card reader in order to put the music or whatever onto the card. Then you can plug the card into the player, fire that mutha’ up (in Rockbox) and enjoy. Card reader are pretty in-expensive, but make sure it is SD HC compatible! They all aren’t.
thank you
will look into
thank you again for your help
How do you edit the playlist while in the player
i have it loaded on the mp3 player
but i can not edit the play list, when i attempt to then i can change it
i try to from the windows enviornment but can not
any ideas
I, for one don’t understand your question. Did you create a ‘playlist’? Or are you simply trying to control the order in which the songs play as they are?
There is a ‘Golist’ in which you can create a small playlist by pressing the sub-menu button (6 o’clock postition) and adding the song while it’s playing to a list you can later repeat. But this is time-consuming and limited.
A better utility for creating mulitple playlists on the v1 models is a downloadable, free program called Sanse Playlister (yes, with an ‘e’ and not an ‘a’). It is very easy to use and works extremely well on the v1’s. 
Are you talking about Rockbox? Did you download and read the manual for it?
yes i am talking about Rockbox
If you can find the Rockbox web-site and you were able to find the download for the Sansa e200 series, and you were able to get it installed, you shouldn’t need a link to find the manual.
You can do that for yourself. READ it! It has a whole section dedicated to playlists.
Is there a theme that is like the original firmware?