I have a promblem with the Fuse

I got a new computer and I hook up my fuse with it and it doesn’t show up on the computer.So i change it to MSC mode and it shows up but none of my music files or videos files show up.When i add new files to it they show up but not the old ones. And when I unplug my Fuse all the files are there.

Thank you if you helped

That’s normal. Your PC can only see files that were transferred in the current mode.

but how can i change it so I can see it. Because I want to make a playlist and i don’t have the songs on my computer and i was going to download them from my fuse and put them in order

Do you have Windows Media Player (10 or 11) installed on your computer? It has the drivers needed for your Fuze to connect in MTP mode.

yes i have WMP11 and can you show me how with out sinc it.

I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to copy those songs back to your PC. I just remembered that MTP is a one-way transfer. Once you put songs on your player in MTP mode, they can’t be copied back.

ok thanks but all I want to do is find the files and change their Name, Artist and Albums but when I put my old files into it, i had it on auto

Ok for some now i put it back to auto and i can see my files again but thank for the help

The Auto mode defaults to MTP whenever possible. Also you should be able to create a playlist with WMP, or alternatively if you are viewing the files in Windows Explorer, you can right-click on a file and select ‘create’ or ‘add to playlist’ from the context menu.

I think you might be thinking DRM protected music won’t work when copied from the Fuze to another player.    I think i have always been able to copy the files when in MTP mode.    Maybe ?    Since mp3 files aren’t protected, they should work as well as any other non protected format.  ogg, flac, mp3 and non drm wma.     if you do copy drm protected wma you may not be able to play them on another device.

@gwk1967 wrote:
I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to copy those songs back to your PC. I just remembered that MTP is a one-way transfer. Once you put songs on your player in MTP mode, they can’t be copied back.

Is this true?  I think you might be thinking DRM protected music won’t work when copied from the Fuze to another device.    I think I have always been able to copy the files when in MTP mode.   Since MP3 files aren’t protected, they should work as well as any other non protected format.  OGG, FLAC, MP3 and non DRM WMA.     If you do copy DRM protected WMA you won’t be able to play them on another device, even though they will copy over.

@niko_sama wrote:

@gwk1967 wrote:
I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to copy those songs back to your PC. I just remembered that MTP is a one-way transfer. Once you put songs on your player in MTP mode, they can’t be copied back.

Is this true?  I think you might be thinking DRM protected music won’t work when copied from the Fuze to another device.    I think I have always been able to copy the files when in MTP mode.   Since MP3 files aren’t protected, they should work as well as any other non protected format.  OGG, FLAC, MP3 and non DRM WMA.     If you do copy DRM protected WMA you won’t be able to play them on another device, even though they will copy over.



Even DRM music will be able to be copied back. We say it so often “Plug it in to the computer and open it up in Explorer like is a Flash Drive”. It acts like one. Copys go both ways. I have done this hundreds of times in MTP as Well as MSC