How do I create playlists in MSC mode on XP

Hello All.

I know that this subject has been covered in other threads, but trying to
find the exact info that I need is a nightmare.

First of all my system is:-

Sansa Clip 8Gb
Firmware version, 02.01.16F
Windows XP SP2
Windows Media Player 11

I have tried every way and every suggestion that I can find on this
forum to get XP to recognise the Clip in MTP mode, without success.

MSC mode works OK, but I’m finding it impossible to create playlists.

If I use WMP11 to create and sync playlists, all the songs end up in a folder
called ‘Unknown Album’, and no playlist appears in the ‘Playlist’ option
on the Clip, I now have about 500 songs all jumbled up in ‘Unknown Album’
and the only way to select the song I want, is to scroll though them all.

If I use my sons laptop running Vista, a different set of folders appear. I can drag and
drop a folder of songs into the ‘Music’ folder, right click on the folder, and click
on ‘Create playlist’, rename and cut and paste the new playlist into the
‘Playlist’ folder, job done.

The playlist folder dosent even appear when connected in MSC mode, neither
do the folders of songs dragged in to the ‘music’ folder when using vista.

The bottom line is, how do I create playlists that the Clip will recognise, when
using MSC mode.



Your problem sounds identical to the one I had and just solved last night after reading the post down below by the poster, Chiligates. I was able to create a playlist in WMP11, save it, and then connect my 2gb Clip (in MTP mode), synch to player and the playlist appeared on my player under the Playlist folder on the Clip.    Question: when you have Windows Media Player up and you connect your Sansa, does WMP11 not recognize it? 

Hello RickH.

The computer won’t recognize the Clip in MTP mode, only MSC mode.

Media player 11 see’s the clip in MSC mode but won’t transfer the 


Vista works fine, but have to borrow my sons laptop.


@john_mac wrote:

Hello All.

MSC mode works OK, but I’m finding it impossible to create playlists.

If I use my sons laptop running Vista, a different set of folders appear. I can drag and
drop a folder of songs into the ‘Music’ folder, right click on the folder, and click
on ‘Create playlist’, rename and cut and paste the new playlist into the
‘Playlist’ folder, job done.

The playlist folder dosent even appear when connected in MSC mode, neither
do the folders of songs dragged in to the ‘music’ folder when using vista.

The bottom line is, how do I create playlists that the Clip will recognise, when
using MSC mode.


Sounds like your Clip is connecting in MTP mode fine when using your son’s laptop & Vista. Funny, that’s the exact opposite of what most people here experience. The fact that different folders appear and you can create a playlist, drop it into the PLAYLIST folder while using your son’s laptop indicates that it’s in MTP mode.

As far as MSC mode, the folders may be ‘hidden’. They are by default. Also the fact that you cannot see the folders of songs loaded on via your son’s computer while connected in MSC on your machine tells me again that your player connected in MTP mode with the Vista machine. You must have had it set in AUTO; in which case it will default to MTP if possible. I find it best to manually set it for one of the other; I don’t trust the Auto-Defect setting (for the obvious reasons). Files put on in one USB mode are not visible or accessible on the computer while the player is connected in the other mode. The player will see & play both fine, though.

So, you’re left with 2 choices; either find & fix the MTP issue, or delete the songs put on with your son’s laptop in MTP and switch to MSC and use it exclusively.

Have you tried checking it out in Device Manager? Connect your player in MTP mode & see if there are any yellow caution triangles with exclamation marks indicating a problem. If so, un-install the device (don’t just dis-enable), un-plug it and re-boot your computer. After it’s on, plug your Clip back into it. Windows should recognize it as ‘new hardware’ and install the correct drivers for access to MTP mode.

If you want to use MSC ( M ode of S ansa C hampions) and wish to use playlists, I have found Winamp (free version) works very nicely to create .m3u format playslists that work. You have to remember though that these playlists do not get put in the PLAYLISTS folder like the .pla format ones do, but rather in the MUSIC folder with your music.

If you decide to try it, this post may be of some help.

Hello Tapeworm

Thank’s for your input.

After much feretting about on the Wibbly Wobbly Way, I have

managed to update the USB driver, and it now accepts MTP


Sync’ing and drag and drop/create playlist, is now working


I’m now a very happy Clip user :smileyvery-happy:
