t0ranga wrote:
I recently picked up a new Fuze (v2 firmware) and a 16gb microsd (class II) card, and am running Ubuntu 8.04. After cleanly tagging everything consistently using easytag and successfully connecting in MSC mode, I transferred over enough music to fill up the internal memory and the microsd card. The transfer, while quite slow, worked ok, and similarly to elitrix’s comment earlier, the refresh took over 10 minutes. The tracks (mostly) play OK, but the time to skip from one track to another (whether it’s shuffle or sequential, adjacent or far apart tracks, etc.) is extremely long – 10 to 15 seconds.
I don’t have a Windows machine handy, and my efforts at getting MTP mode working and detecting the Fuze on Ubuntu have thus far been unavailing (I’ve got latest libmtp and mtp-tools, edited the libmtp-rules file, and a number of other suggestions from the forums). I did have a chance to do a partial test re: the MTP mode theory on a friend’s windows machine – I only had time to load a few hundred songs, and those that did transfer worked well – no skip time delay.
I confess that I am not experienced enough with disk formatting tools to figure out / reformat the microsd card using a different cluster size, if the later suggestion in this forum is on point (although it’s worth noting that the skip speed is still slow, albeit not as slow, when the microsd card is taken out and only internal memory is used). Do you have any advice either on how to correct this problem re: MSC mode – it can’t possibly be the problem for all the Linux Fuze users out there, since this problem doesn’t seem to come up anywhere else no matter how hard I’ve looked (plus MTP support for the Fuze is still regarded as spotty). Any ideas on how to fix this, since it makes the device practically unusable (nearly a minute to flip through a half dozen songs), would be tremendously appreciated!
This might be a long shot, but it might be worth a try. I used to have a problem similar to this. Skipping through songs on one of my albums was slow. What I did was to use Mp3tag to eliminate all unnecessary tag fields, and the problem was solved.
The fields I ended up with for that album are album, artist, band, composer, genre, rating WMP, title, track, and year. I suppose I do not really need band and composer. The problem was on a version-2 2-GB Fuze with the latest firmware and an 8-GB class-6 Transcend microSDHC card and MTP mode. The album is in internal memory with 287 MB free on internal and 7022 MB free on external.
I am using Vista Home Premium. Refreshes take only a few seconds. On a version-1 8-GB Fuze with the latest firmware and a 16-GB class-2 Patriot microSDHC card, MTP mode, 10 MB free internal, and 4980 MB free external, the last time I timed a refresh, it took only two minutes and fifteen seconds. I have never had any problems playing any tracks on my Fuzes.