Hey guys! I am considering buying a Sansa Fuze+ 16 GB model and a 32 GB Speed Class 10 SD card. However, I have noticed multiple people (including the firmware update sticky) say that the player can be slow or even unrepsonsive with a larger library and with larger SD cards. I currently have 20 GB of .ogg music, and would like to add more, so this worries me. I have a few questions:
Is the slowness with large libraries a problem with -some- people, or is everybody having it?
For the people that have this problem: What speed class is your SD card? If it is 2 or 4, that could possibly be the issue.
I use Linux, will the device show up as a 48GB media player, or will it show up as a 16 GB player with a 32 GB sd card? (when I plug it in with USB).
Does the player automatically integrate the SD card into the library, or does it show up as a seperate menu section?
Anyone noticed any speed or performance problems using .ogg music?
Beside the aforementioned slowness with large libraries, how does the interface perform (and look)? I couldn’t find much information about it online. Does it have categories like most played, genre, artist, etc?
Can I easily make playlists with the player, or do I have to use my computer?
How durable is it? Does it hold up well to a few drops, etc? How badly does it show scratches/finger prints?
Finally, assuming they are still around, can anyone “in the know” say whether or not SanDisk is working on fixing the problems with performance? Any kind of ETA would be helpful. (If i’m only going to have the problems for a few months, then I would probably buy it anyways and just be easy on it till a firmware upgrade is released).
That is all I can think of right now. I’ll be looking forward to the answers.
Chris Carpenter