I was having the problem of the computer reading the Clip Zip as a removable disc instead of as the player. I was using the Rockbox firmware. I formatted the player as per the instructions on fixing the problem. Now how do I install the SanDisk firmware? There’s no root directory, there’s nothing. The player is blank, and when I remove it from the computer I get “File Not Found”, followed by “Plug USB Cable”. What do I do now?
When formatting, it has nothing to do with firmware I believe. I think you need to start on checking if the correct firmware is installed.
Basically you have the rockbox bootloader and the Sandisk firmware installed but not rockbox. You can either reboot into the Sandisk firmware and then uninstall the rockbox bootloader, or reinstall rockbox.
I don’t think I do still have them installed. The screen is black and constantly reads “Plug USB cable.” But you’re the guru, so how do I do that?
@saratoga wrote:
@quark12000 wrote:
But you’re the guru, so how do I do that?
Do what?
Hold the REW (<<) button while plugging into your computer. This boots into the Sansa firmware (without the Rockbox boot-loader taking over or getting in the way). Wait for it to be recognized before releasing the button. Then manually re-apply the latest firmware per the instrcutions in this post. When done. it should boot & start up normally, but without any user-added content or personalized settings. You’ll have to go through and add & set everything again.
Never mind, I figured it out.