I have important crash when I moved them via SecureAccess_Win 1.1.19755.
When I moved around 20 files (around 50Mb size) from my Windows 7 64 bit machine to Sandisk Extreme USB 3.0, it seems normal. However when I try to open it (after normal disconnect the Extreme from my machine), I found that the file size is “0”. Of course, I wasn’t able to open the files. Then I tried many times, result is the same.
Then I downloaded new version SecureAccessV2 5.4.16 and tried to fix the problem. After the installation, it seems more problem, there is no file on the list in My Vault list. However I can still see my encrypted files with appropriate file sizes in the USB drive in Windows Explore. in this case, it seems that the new version Secure Access ruin the encryption database/index.
Thanks for your help. However the information is not applicable on my case.
I had used “RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win” when I encrypted the files. Therefore the system create a “My Vaults” folder in the UDF; it is different from using “SanDiskSecureAccessV2_win”.
I now can still see the files in the “My Vaults/MyVaults/FILES/00000000”” folder when I use Windows Explore to browse. I can see the files size. All the file names are number; I believe they are encrypted and renamed.
The problem now is the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win or even SanDiskSecureAccessV2_win. I am not able to see those file on the list in the program. In normal situation, all encrypted files are listed in the My Vault list in the program. I can drag or open a read only etc.
I believe the database or index of the program is crash therefore there is no linkage with the files.