Despite instructions in User Manual my Sansa Fuze+ turns on after 2 sec power button being pushed + (it’s a Fuze Plus after all) another short push when a SANSA logo appears… If I miss the proper time to push the power button again the device simply turns OFF…
Imagine turning your MPPlayer 6-8 times (one time it took me just 2 tries) every time to be able to just turn it on at all.
There is no firmware update, so my hopes for a quick fix are dead and buried…
My Firmware version is now: 02.38.06 A (as before) and first start of the player was a complete and utter success
[• Disconnect the Sansa Fuze+ and let the firmware update begin.
• Once it finally finishes doing its update, it will turn itself off.
---- here the device just turned itself on again
• Turn the Fuze+ on, Select your language and region preference]
Second turning on without a problem too (I had to be sure).
BTW Creative’s option of ‘add to a playlist’ or ‘add to now playing’ would be an improvement. Still with this unlit touchpad in the dark any operation on files would be a gamble…
A few years ago I suggested that Sandisk make mp3 players with two micro card slots, and even some models with 4 slots. The issue seems to be that the low priced players have a very limited amount of ram. Ideally to have a very responsive player, the file index table should be in ram(copied from flash memory on bootup). Of course Sandisk could decide to make a premium player priced at $100 or perhaps even a bit more(although my price limit for an mp3 player is $100) that has very long battery life(60+ hours), two card slots(or perhaps even 4!) and has plenty of ram and powerful enough processor.
Rather than giving up on the Fuze+, I suggest that you put Rockbox on it. Rockbox is a free alternative firmware(operating system) for the player. With Rockbox many are no longer frustrated when using the Fuze+.
It’s not a matter of being a power user though. Many were so frustated with the Fuze+ controls that they were almost ready to throw it in the trash until they put Rockbox on the player. Now many of them describe the Fuze+ as being very usable with Rockbox installed.