ExpressCache version 1.3.0 DOES NOT cache or defrag any USB drives regardless if they are are defined as Removable or Fixed. It will only cache and defrag SATA drives.
No gls,
I have the same issue, but only with this new version 1.3.0. In 1.2 it goes well!
Regardless on the type of USB pendisk I use, it always deny to remove it.
heres’ my eccmd -info:
C:\Users\ric>eccmd -info
ExpressCache Command Version
Copyright® 2010-2013 Condusiv Technologies.
Date Time: 11/4/2013 17:32:19:665 (RIC-PC #4)
EC Cache Info
Mounted : Yes
Partition Size : 29.82 GB
Reserved Size : 3.00 MB
Volume Size : 29.82 GB
Total Used Size : 7.81 GB
Total Free Space : 22.00 GB
Used Data Size : 7.74 GB
Used Data Size on Disk : 7.80 GB
Tiered Cache Stats
Memory in use : 1024.00 MB
Blocks in use : 8045
Read Percent : 4.96%
Cache Stats
Cache Volume Drive Number : 0
Total Read Count : 32856
Total Read Size : 852.59 MB
Total Cache Read Count : 13537
Total Cache Read Size : 341.95 MB
Total Write Count : 39704
Total Write Size : 521.97 MB
Total Cache Write Count : 27015
Total Cache Write Size : 237.79 MB
Caching looks fine; are you sure this did not happen with 1.2.1? Also if you exit the ExpressCache gui app and kill the expresscache.exe service in the task manager does itstill state you cannot eject the pen drive?
Caching looks fine; are you sure this did not happen with 1.2.1? Also if you exit the ExpressCache gui app and kill the expresscache.exe service in the task manager does itstill state you cannot eject the pen drive?
If I kill expresscache.exe I’m able to extract the pendrive safely. Till then it flashes again and again like there were activities, even if I have no files open.
If you cannot solve the problem, I will uninstall 1.3 and reinstall 1.2.1: it had not this problem.
Just an update. I stopped ExpressCache in Task manager for several weeks, and all of my external hard drives worked correctly and I could eject them. A few days ago I turned ExpressCache back on, and again ExpresCache is constantly accessing the external drives, I cannot eject them. Although everything seems to work ok, the constant drive activity is a concern.
Some have said that ExpressCache does not defrag or cache USB drives. This may be true, but it is certainly doing something with the drives.
Obviously I am not the only person with this problem. It is unfortunate that someone from SanDisk cannot shed some light on this problem.
We have identified the root cause of this issue and we are currently implementing a fix for the next release. We hope to release the new version before the end of the month. We would like to thank everyone who reported the issue and for your patience while we work on the resolution.