e200 "Battery is too low" Problem


recently, the battery of my e200 went dead (for whatever reason, still don’t know). And yes, it was dead, it didn’t work in the player, after hours and hours of charging nothing, and using a multimeter I found there was no voltage whatsoever.

So I bought a replacement battery, put it in, and got the error message “Battery is too low, System shutdown”. When I plug it into my computer, it does not turn on automatically and I have to press the power button on the device to make it work. Charged it for several hours, all to no avail.

Can anyone help?

Sounds like your charging circuitry in kaput.

I have had a similar problem. If it’s the charging circuitry can it be fixed?’


karenl wrote:

I have had a similar problem. If it’s the charging circuitry can it be fixed?’

I won’t say that it absolutely can’t, but unless you’e well-versed and trained in electronics, soldering skills and have access to the appropriate diagnostic equipment, it’s certainly unlikely.

And unless you do it yourself, or know someone that can (& will) do it out of the goodness of their heart, such a repair will definitely cost more than the unit is worth (or can be replaced for).