I have both Vista and XP pc’s and usually use the XP pc to work with my c240.  I record talk radio shows and listen to them while walking for exercise.  I have a program that works with the sound card connected to the radio that creates mp3 files.  I then use Windows Explorer to copy and paste the files to the c240.  After  the updater did it’s thing when trying to copy files it said there was a problem with one of the parameters but gave the option to copy anyway.  After copying and looking for the recordings on the playlists, it seemed there was nothing there, but later I found they were there but not listed just blank titles, they would play but you didn’t know which file you were playing.  I tried working with Windows Media Player 10 which seemed to work but don’t like dealing with it and after it called to upgrade to 11 the player wasn’t recognized so I uninstalled 11 and went back to 10.  Then I called support and they thought I had a bad download of 11, haven’t tried it again yet. Support agreed to me downgrading but it would be through 2nd level support sending me a file in a few days.  I find the upgrade works fine if you use Vista. Just got the info together from here to dl the older firmware if support doesn’t pan out. 

Patrick Casher wrote:
> I have both Vista and XP pc’s and usually use the XP pc to work with my
> c240.  I record talk radio shows and listen to them while walking for
> exercise.  I have a program that works with the sound card connected to
> the radio that creates mp3 files.  I then use Windows Explorer to copy
> and paste the files to the c240.  After  the updater did it’s thing when
> trying to copy files it said there was a problem with one of the
> parameters but gave the option to copy anyway.  After copying and
> looking for the recordings on the playlists, it seemed there was nothing
> there, but later I found they were there but not listed just blank
> titles, they would play but you didn’t know which file you were
> playing.  I tried working with Windows Media Player 10 which seemed to
> work but don’t like dealing with it and after it called to upgrade to 11
> the player wasn’t recognized so I uninstalled 11 and went back to 10. 
> Then I called support and they thought I had a bad download of 11,
> haven’t tried it again yet. Support agreed to me downgrading but it
> would be through 2nd level support sending me a file in a few days.  I
> find the upgrade works fine if you use Vista. Just got the info together
> from here to dl the older firmware if support doesn’t pan out.

I have the M240, but assume operation is much the same. Since you
downloaded mp3 files created by capturing the audio stream from your
sound card (I use TotalRecorder), it’s likely your files contain no id
tag data. Sansa will ignore windows names etc if tag data exists, but
should retain the windows filename in the absence of tag data, so I
don’t know what the problem is.
However, you might want to get a hold of a free utility called mp3tag.
This will let you tag all the files with the windows filename. You can
also download RenameMaster if you wanted to rename the windows names
with a numeric prefix to fix play order.
You can also apply an album name to a group of files for easy
navigation. I find the Sansa will play in a more reliable sequence if a
track number is used, but you have to add this one by one.
Good luck
Dave Cohen

Thanks for the info Dave.  I use freeware hdogg and windows scheduler to run it when I want the shows recorded.  I just listen to the recordings once and then delete them so prefer not to bother too much with them.  Hdogg assigns the file name I specify in it parameters and will record in segments of any length automatically adding numeric prefixes to the file name.  For the different shows I put different file names in the parameters in windows scheduler.  Under the old firmware I had no problems so am probably going to downgrade.


It’s been a week long past the few days that second level support was supposed to get back to me about rolling back the firmware.  Want to do the downgrade thru them to make sure I don’t void the warranty.  Has anyone gotten the downgrade firmware from them?



I installed firmware .01.01.05 with the updater and had problems on my XP machine copying my mp3 recorded talk shows to the sansa using windows explorer.  I would give an error “one or more properties outside of device limits”, I never had this error on the previous firmware.  If I said yes to “copy anyway” it copied the files but they wound up with no labels in the sansa.  I prefer to copy & paste the files in groups using windows explorer and not have the hassle of using Windows Media Player and prefer not to do extra steps required with the new firmware to put it in MSC mode each time.  I talked to your support i.e. the above ref. #  on 8/31/07 and they said that level 2 support would get back to me in a few days emailing the previous firmware, which never happened.  I talked to a Danny.  I would really appreciate being able to go back to the previous firmware.  Sincerely Patrick.

cc: SanDisk support forum;Newsgroup:

Level 2 support quickly responded to my email with an email attachment of file FIRMWARE.MI4.  After trying to apply it to the c240 it came up with load main image fail.  I thought the file was corrupted in transmission and emailed it back to support on 9/11/07, but looking at some of the posts here it looks like more then one file is needed.  In wait mode again.

did you try it more then once with the same result?

3 Times

sounds pretty defective to me. Maybe they will opt for a replacent. I was under the impression it was just that one file btw. I could be wrong I suppose.

sounds pretty defective, maybe they will just replace it after this.

I think I just need the .01.01.00 firmware files if they can provide them.

is that not what they sent you already when you tried it 3 times?

They only sent one file, as I said above, according to other posts you need several files.

Support didn’t fess up with the files but did issue a return authorization.  As I only have a few months left on my warranty I decided to use the procedure previously listed in this post and it works.  I’m a little disappointed but I do like my Sansa c240.

I have a question for long users of Sansa. How often do tech-support give out new firmware? I can’t decide whether it’s better to roll the firmware back or wait for the next one. The problem is that my unit is recognized only by my PC. So I can’t use it like a flash-disk.

**hey there.

i have had nothing but problems since day one with my c250. when i first got it, it froze up and i had to pry the battery cover off with a screwdriver. since then, it’s been working and recently it stopped being recognized by my computer. when i plug in it says that there are no drivers for the device…how do i fix this? i’ve searched for drivers and found nothing. i was told to update my firmware but that won’t download from sansa.

any suggestions?**

Wish I’d seen this about an hour earlier.  I just downloaded firmware as instructed with new Altec speakers.

Couldn’t get any sound.  Tried several things, then hit “yes” for format. 

Now I really don’t get any sound…because there’s nothing left on my device!  Everything’s wiped out. 

I don’t understand the file numbers you guys are listing above.   What do I need to do?   Thanks

OK.  I just watched the sansa video on formatting.  Guess I shouldn’t have done that.  It appears

formatting is meant to wipe out all files.  And that’s exactly what it did.  So I’ll just have to reload them.

I loaded one song.  I can hear it on my ear buds.

But I still get no sound through the external speakers.  I’ll work on that tomorrow.


I see that the new firmware is good for PC’s, it let’s your device work in MTP mode, yet, you can also browse folders and files (although no drive letter is assigned to it).

But, see, the target use is not just PC’s, for example, it was convenient for me to just plug it in my car’s MP3 player

 (Kenwood MP-435U) and it will play in MSC mode.  Now it says “NO MUSIC” in default mode, and if I tried to force it to MSC mode (hold button = ON, holdin <<) it says “NO DEVICE”…

So, please, be considerate and if you have influence to SanDisk support, or are with SanDisk, please let them know that it does not hurt to have an option for “OFF” of the auto mode.

God bless you richly.

OK, this is humbling experience…

I have e270R, (a Rhapsody) player, the MSC mode (for USB option) is not really needed on this one,

because I found out (Glory to God!) that if I only turned Mode = Rhapsody,

I do get two regular (MSC) mode removable disks on my Windows PC.

The first one is “Sansa e270R” the other one is not recognized by Windows XP (it only says “Removable Disk”)

but the first one is what I needed anyway.

Now, the Kenwood MP-435U (car stereo MP3 with USB) plays all files in “Rhapsody” mode beautifully and can navigate through folders just as a (normal) USB disk drive.

Hope this helps, the idea here is - if you got a Rhapsody player - do not mess with upgrading/downgrading firmware! You have the MSC option in Rhapsody mode!
